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What happens if a 13 year old gets caught shoplifting?

What happens if a 13 year old gets caught shoplifting?

Release to Parents: If your teen is caught for a minor first offense case of shoplifting, generally the juvenile court may choose to do nothing more than release them to a parent or guardian. Restitution: Your teen may be ordered to pay restitution to the property owner for the amount of goods that were stolen.

Does shoplifting go on your record if your a minor?

Even if you weren’t convicted of shoplifting, all of the documentation will still remain on your criminal record. The only scenario that would result in the shoplifting not remaining on your record permanently is if you were a minor at the time of the charge.

Why does my 13 year old steal?

Kids who steal often feel entitled to what they’re stealing, even though they or their parents can’t afford it. Many kids will resort to stealing as a response to this phenomenon. Sometimes kids even steal for the sense of excitement it gives them, or do it under peer pressure.

Will a shoplifting charge ruin my life?

A petit theft or shoplifting charge is not likely to ruin your life. It can make some parts of your life very difficult. Any employer that conducts a background check will be put off by someone with a history of theft.

Will I go to jail if I shoplift?

Going for the old “five finger discount” can cost you up to six months in jail in California. Shoplifting is usually treated as a misdemeanor — unless you have some major prior convictions — punishable by a half-year in county jail and fines of up to $1,000. …

What happens if a minor is caught shoplifting?

The Juvenile Court penalizes minors charged with shoplifting in a variety of ways depending on the circumstances. For example, if you don’t have a criminal record and this is your first time shoplifting, the court may release you to your parents or legal guardians after a stern warning.

What’s the difference between a juvenile and an adult shoplifting?

The juvenile system has its own courts, judges, prosecutors, and rules. However, the crime of shoplifting is the same for juveniles as it is for adults. The only difference is how a juvenile court handles the case. Shoplifting is a type of theft, also known as larceny.

How old should your child be to shoplift?

As you drive to go pick them up, you wonder if your child is headed down a path of crime and disobedience. Stealing is wrong, but for teens it’s more common than you might think. According to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), about 24% of shoplifters are teens between the ages of 13-17.

What kind of crime is shoplifting in California?

Shoplifting is a crime covered by California Penal Code section 490.5 that gives merchants several privileges against anyone accused of petty theft of merchandise in their store or movie theater. Merchandise is described as personal property that is capable of manual delivery, displayed, held, or offered in a retail establishment by a merchant.