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How and why did Judas betray Jesus?
Matthew directly states that Judas betrayed Jesus for a bribe of “thirty pieces of silver” by identifying him with a kiss—”the kiss of Judas”—to arresting soldiers of the High Priest Caiaphas, who then turned Jesus over to Pontius Pilate’s soldiers.
Was Judas forgiven for his betrayal?
— F.B. DEAR F.B.: No, Judas was not forgiven for his betrayal of Jesus — and one reason is because he could not bring himself to repent of the sin he had committed. Jesus said of His disciples, “None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction” (John 17:12).
Why did Jesus allow Judas to betray him?
Rather than denounce Judas as Jesus’s betrayer, the author of the Gospel of Judas glorified him as Jesus’s most favored disciple. In this version of events, Jesus asked Judas to betray him to the authorities, so that he could be freed from his physical body and fulfill his destiny of saving humanity.
Why did Judas kiss Jesus when he betrayed?
Jesus was subsequently tried and crucified. A recently translated, 1,200 year-old text written in Coptic — an Egyptian language that uses the Greek alphabet — claims that Judas used a kiss to betray his leader because Jesus had the ability to change his appearance. Judas’ kiss would clearly identify Jesus to the crowd.
What happens to Judas after betraying Jesus?
The bible has two different accounts explaining how Judas died. The Gospel of Matthew says that Judas regretted betraying Jesus, and tried to return the 30 pieces of silver that he had been paid. ‘ So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.”
Why did Jesus choose Judas?
So, why did Jesus choose Judas? The reason that Jesus chose Judas was so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled. Judas was the “son of destruction.” Rather, Jesus chose Judas knowing fully that he had a wicked and unbelieving heart that would lead to betrayal (John 6:64; 70-71) in fulfillment of the Scriptures.
Did the disciples know Judas was the betrayer?
Even still, the other disciples did not recognize that Judas was a betrayer. Jesus, the Son of God, was in Judas’s midst. Jesus chose a thief and a betrayer to be one of His disciples so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled. Jesus knew from the beginning what was in Judas’s heart.
Did Jesus tell Judas betray him?
Biblical accounts suggest that Jesus foresaw and allowed Judas’s betrayal. As told in the New Testament Gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus for “30 pieces of silver,” identifying him with a kiss in front of Roman soldiers. “So he asks Judas, who is his friend, to sell him out, to betray him.
What happened to Judas after betraying Jesus?
What did Jesus say to Judas after he kissed him?
Judas was not the only disciple of Jesus but one of twelve Apostles. According to Matthew 26:50, Jesus responded by saying: “Friend, do what you are here to do”. Luke 22:48 quotes Jesus saying “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” Jesus’ arrest follows immediately.
Where did Judas go after he betrayed Jesus?
According to another canonical source in the Bible, the Book of Acts (written by the same author as the Gospel of Luke), Judas didn’t kill himself after betraying Jesus. Instead, he went into a field, where “falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out” (Acts 1:18).
Why did Jesus tell Judas betray him?