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What does the prefix serial mean?

What does the prefix serial mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row serial order.

What’s another word for serial?

What is another word for serial?

consecutive continual
continued continuing
ensuing following
ongoing sequent
sequential succedent

Where did the word brick originate?

“rectangular block of artificial stone (usually clay burned in a kiln) used as a building material,” early 15c., from Old French briche “brick,” which is probably from a Germanic source akin to Middle Dutch bricke “a tile,” etymologically “a bit, a fragment, a piece broken off,” from the verbal root of break (v.).

Where did the word serial come from?

serial (adj.) “coming in regular succession,” 1840, from series + -al (1); popularized in reference to Dickens’ novels, published one part at a time in periodicals (as opposed to all at once in a book).

What is the antonym for serial?

What is the opposite of serial?

disordered out of order
unconsecutive infrequent
discontinuous alternate
broken inconsequential
intermittent interrupted

What is the homophone for serial?

The homophone for “serial” is “cereal”.

Which is the best definition of the word serial?

See more synonyms for serial on noun. anything published, broadcast, etc., in short installments at regular intervals, as a novel appearing in successive issues of a magazine.

Where do you find the serial number on a product?

The serial number is listed after the word “Serial Number,” “SSN,” “S/N,” or “SN.” Take the device and check if there is product info on the bottom. Check the sticker label on the back of the graphic card. The serial number is listed below the barcode.

Where does the word series come from in English?

1610s, “a number or set of things of one kind arranged in a line,” from Latin series “row, chain, series, sequence, succession,” from serere “to join, link, bind together, arrange, attach, put; join in speech, discuss,” from PIE root *ser- (2) “to line up.”.

Where do you find the serial number on an audio card?

The serial number is listed after the word “Serial No,” “SSN,” “S/N,” or “SN.” Check the sticker label on the back of the audio card. The serial number is listed below the barcode. Check the sticker label on the side of the package box.