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How do you wear high-tops?

How do you wear high-tops?

High-tops with a pair of jeans are always in style. Styling your high-tops with a skirt is a fun, expected look. Pair a summer dress with high-tops for a more casual look. Basketball-inspired shoes add another level of cool to your look.

Are high-tops uncomfortable?

But everyone knows high-top sneakers can be a bit intimidating. The higher design can make some feel a bit constricted at times and even uncomfortable around the ankles.

Do high-tops make you look taller?

Unlike high heels which add height while elongating the legs, high tops usually have the reverse effect. No, they won’t actually make you shorter, but they can make your legs appear shorter — an optical illusion from which most women want to steer clear.

Should you tuck jeans into high-tops?

For those into street wear, it’s entirely in fashion to tuck jeans into high-tops and sneakers. This is done primarily to accentuate the style and colors of the shoes, getting the jeans out of the way. You won’t need to fold over slim-fitting jeans.

Can I pull off high-tops?

High tops can be difficult to pull off because the shoe is so dominant. However, paired with the right outfit, high tops can really put together a look and make you look unique, modern and fashion forward.

Do high tops make you look taller?

Why do NBA players wear low tops?

These findings show that wearing low-tops can give your ankle some slight edge in freedom of movement. This is the reason why low-tops are very popular among players who deploy a lot of sudden cutting movements in their game, most notably James Harden.

Do you tuck skinny jeans into high tops?

Never tuck your jeans into thin high tops.

What’s the best way to wear a high top?

To wear high tops, make sure your pants and shoes contrast a little. For example, you can pair black skinny jeans or tights with colorful high tops, or vise versa. If you have clunkier shoes, try dressing them up with a dress if you’re a girl, or a well-fitted trench coat if you’re a guy.

What should you know when buying high tops?

The most important thing to remember when buying high tops is to ensure that they’re a good fit. This does sound trivial but it’s easy to get the size and fit wrong, especially with online purchasing. Think carefully about what color you want.

Do you wear socks with your high tops?

Wear socks with your high tops Men can also dress up their high tops though not perhaps with a skirt in most cases. Instead, a well-fitted trench coat can look very chic and urban-modern with the right high tops. Take care, however, to not end up looking like you’re wearing a costume from the film “The Breakfast Club”!

Can you wear high tops with skinny jeans?

If you are opting for a relaxed casual image then you can sport your plain high tops with chinos or skinny jeans. The downside of thin high tops is that when you tie them to the top tightly, they can look very awkward and make your feet look really big, especially when worn with skinny jeans. It can also make your ankle look small and strange.