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What is meant by the term glacial outwash?

What is meant by the term glacial outwash?

outwash, deposit of sand and gravel carried by running water from the melting ice of a glacier and laid down in stratified deposits. An outwash may attain a thickness of 100 m (328 feet) at the edge of a glacier, although the thickness is usually much less; it may also extend many kilometres in length.

What is the difference between glacial till and glacial outwash?

A till plain is composed of unsorted material (till) of all sizes with much clay, an outwash plain is mainly stratified (layered and sorted) gravel and sand. The till plain has a gently undulating to hilly surface; the outwash is flat or very gently undulating where it is a thin veneer on the underlying till.

Is outwash a type of glacial drift?

Stratified Drift Deposits are the most prominent at the end of the glacier. They consist of: Outwash: sand and gravel washed out of the glacier by running water. Outwash Plain: braided meltwater streams deposit sediment over a wide area (common in areas of continental glaciation).

What is the difference between outwash and a moraine?

Moraine: an accumulation of till deposited by direct glacial action. Outwash may be intermingled with morainal landforms due to local glacial re-advances. There may be deposition of till during glacial advance followed by outwash deposition upon retreat, or vice versa.

What is outwash plain in geography?

An outwash plain, also called a sandur (plural: sandurs), sandr or sandar, is a plain formed of glaciofluvial deposits due to meltwater outwash at the terminus of a glacier. As it flows, the glacier grinds the underlying rock surface and carries the debris along.

What is an outwash terrace?

[′au̇t‚wäsh ‚ter·əs] (geology) A dissected and incised valley train or benchlike deposit extending along a valley downstream from an outwash plain or terminal moraine.

What are glacial plains?

Glacial plains, formed by the movement of glaciers under the force of gravity: Outwash plain (also known as sandur; plural sandar), a glacial out-wash plain formed of sediments deposited by melt-water at the terminus of a glacier. Till plains are composed of unsorted material (till) of all sizes.

What is glacial stratification?

Stratified Glacial Deposits: Streams of melt water leaving an ice sheet may flow down valleys that lead away from the glacier front depositing outwash in the form of valley trains or where the land surface slopes evenly away from the edge of the ice sheet.

What is a outwash plain made of?

What is a glacial plain called?

Why are glacial outwash deposits layered?

As a glacier melts, till is released from the ice into the flowing water. The sediments deposited by glacial meltwater are called outwash. Since they have been transported by running water, the outwash deposits are braided, sorted, and layered.

What do you need to know about glacial outwash?

Glacial outwash refers to the deposit of sediment from glacial water run-off. Glaciers continually move. As they do, they pick up and leave sediments…. See full answer below. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions.

How are the outwash plains of Glacier National Park found?

In areas that were once glaciated, old outwash plains can be found by looking for glacial sediment (till) that has been sorted by grain or boulder size as it is picked up and deposited by flowing water. This means that the sediment is typically finest farthest away from the glacier. Outwash plains can extend for miles beyond the glacier margin.

What makes up the outwash plains in Alaska?

They are composed of glacial sediments that have been reworked by flowing water. The outwash plain in front of the Red Glacier in Lake Clark National Monument (Alaska) ends far away from the glacier and is characterized by braided rivers and small ponds. Outwash plains occur in front of melting glaciers.

What does the term outwash mean in geology?

Alternative Titles: glacial outwash, glaciofluvial deposit, meltwater deposit. Outwash, deposit of sand and gravel carried by running water from the melting ice of a glacier and laid down in stratified deposits.