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With these ground rules in mind, here are our top 10 tank mates that we have personally tested and found to be compatible with goldfish:
- Hillstream Loach.
- Brochis multiradiatus.
- Dojo Loach.
- Bristlenose Pleco.
- Rubbernose Pleco.
- White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
- Ricefish.
- Hoplo Catfish.
Can you put other fish with goldfish?
Goldfish are peaceful and non-aggressive fish and they don’t establish territories or defend an area from other fish. You’ll want to avoid choosing tank mates that are aggressive or semi-aggressive, like African cichlids or Tiger Barbs and stick with friendly species instead.
What are good fish to put in the same tank?
Fish That Live Well Together
- Catfish.
- Corys.
- Danios.
- Gouramis.
- Guppies.
- Loaches.
- Mollies.
- Platies.
Can you mix goldfish and tropical fish in the same tank?
Technically, yes, but we wouldn’t recommend it. Goldfish have a metabolism that thrives at cooler temperatures than you would typically find in a tropical aquarium. They are also extremely messy fish, leading to ammonia and nitrate spikes that could potentially kill other fish in your tank.
Can betta fish live together?
Many people mistakenly believe that betta fish must be kept in “solitary confinement.” Female bettas can live together, and while male bettas will fight with other male bettas, they can be placed singly in a “community” aquarium containing other species of fish. …
Can guppies and tetras live together?
As tetras and guppies are both peaceful and friendly fish, they can easily be kept in the same aquarium. If you do intend to keep them together, you can still consider another fish species to keep them with. For guppies, you can never go wrong with adding more guppies to the tank.
What tropical fish can I keep together?
If tropical fish can be housed together in the same tank without fighting, eating or killing each other they are termed “community” species….Peaceful communities
- Neon tetra.
- Cardinal tetra.
- Congo tetra.
- Black neon tetra.
- Lemon tetra.
- Rummynose tetra.
- Harlequin rasbora.
- Dwarf gourami.
Can angelfish live with goldfish?
Goldfish are generally peaceful and can live in large groups. Although angelfish can be housed with other angelfish, they tend to be aggressive. Thus, even if it were possible to safely house angelfish and goldfish in the same temperature water, the angelfish would be likely to prey upon the goldfish.
What makes a good tank mate for a goldfish?
Keep tank mates that can live in the same conditions as goldfish. Goldfish mainly prefer cooler temperatures from 50-70°F and can live at room temperature without a heater. For many fish on our list, this environment is on the lower end of their comfortable temperature range.
What kind of fish are compatible with goldfish?
Tank Mates for Goldfish: Learn Which Species Are and Aren’t Compatible 1 Fish Compatible With Goldfish. Goldfish on their own kept properly require lots of space. 2 Loaches. 3 Rubbernose and Bristlenose Plecos. 4 White Cloud Mountain Minnows. 5 Zebra Danios. 6 Rosy Barbs.
What should I look for in a goldfish tank?
Stay away from small and spiny fish. Goldfish like to explore and put everything in their mouths – including food, substrate, plants, and other fish. For the most part, we want to avoid any species that are small enough to fit in their mouths, so consider the maximum size of a full-grown goldfish when choosing tank mates.
How many platy fish can you put in a goldfish tank?
You can fit 5 platy fish in your goldfish tank for every 10 gallons of capacity you have free! Platys are laid back and will hang out in a group near the plastic plants in your tank, and your goldfish will probably leave them alone.