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What would the Once-ler have done differently?

What would the Once-ler have done differently?

What could he have done? Answers will vary but may include: the Once-ler could have replanted Truffula trees as he cut them down; cut down the Truffula trees at a sustainable rate; built a factory that didn’t create smog, etc.

What does the Once-ler represent in The Lorax?

The Once-ler represents all the companies that do not care about the environment and only care about money. Who does “The Lorax” represent? The Lorax represents all the companies that are against dumping products in the animal’s environment.

How do things change throughout the story as a result of the Once-ler’s activities?

The Once-ler’s thneed industry depletes the natural resources of the area and disrupts the life-cycles which once thrived there. Eventually, the Once-ler feels guilty for his depletion of the environment and lives as a hermit, shut up in his home in the now wasted lands.

What do you think the boy hearing the story will do with the Truffula seed that the Once-ler tosses to him?

What do you think the boy hearing the story will do with the Truffula seed that the Once-ler tosses to him? The Once-ler says, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.

What would have you done if you were the Lorax?

What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won’t he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler, “You are crazy with greed.” Why does the Lorax say that? Do you agree or disagree?

What technology did the Once-ler use?

At the end of Act 1, we see the machine The Once-ler has invented to chop down trees very quickly – the Super Axe Hacker. The Super Axe Hacker looks like a giant motorcycle.

What bad things did the Once-ler do?

The Once-ler is his own worst critic. In revealing the dirty secrets from his past, he confesses to almost single-glovedly destroying the forest, turning a blind eye to the suffering of its critters, and ruining his own business.

What happens to the Once-ler when there are no more Truffula trees?

The Lorax (1972 TV special) He decides to cut down one of the trees for his invention, the Thneed. When he chops down a Truffula Tree, he finds The Lorax in the tree trunk. The Once-ler does not listen and continues to cut down trees to create Thneeds to sell.

What kind of person is the Once-ler why won’t he listen to the Lorax?

Detail 2. He won’t listen because he wants to get rich.

Why do you think the Once-ler doesn’t want to listen to the Lorax do you think the Lorax is right when he tells the Once-ler you are crazy with greed Why or why not?

what was the land of the lorax like before the once-ler arrived? why won’t the once-ler listen to the lorax? because he wants to make money and prove his family wrong. the lorax says to the once-ler, “you are crazy with greed.” Why does the lorax say that?

What does The Lorax say to the Once ler?

What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go? What kind of person is the Once-ler? Why won’t he listen to the Lorax? The Lorax says to the Once-ler, “You are crazy with greed.”

Why did the Swans lose their voice in the Lorax?

The Swans lost their voice because of all the smog. The Loots lost their food and shade that was once provided by the trees. The fish water becomes dirty and they are unable to live there. If the Once-ler listened to the Lorax then everything could have been saved.

What was the land like before the Once ler arrived?

The land of the Lorax was very nice before the Once-ler arrived. It was peaceful, and beautiful. It had many trees and happy people with plenty of shade and food.