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How can I remove Tally error?

How can I remove Tally error?


  1. Right click the Tally. ERP 9 icon and select Open file location .
  2. Open the Data folder from the file location, as shown below:
  3. Open the folder in which the company’s data are stored, as shown below:
  4. Delete the TMessage. TSF file if its size is between 0 and 1 KB.
  5. Reload the company in Tally. ERP 9.

How can I recover overwrite data in Tally?

Go to Gateway of Tally > F3 : Cmp Info > Restore to view the Restore Companies screen. 2. Destination – The folder path where your company data is to be restored. Do not restore backup data in the folder where your company data exists, since it may overwrite the existing data.

What is error code 120 in Tally?

It may be disconnected due to the following reasons: o The computer goes into sleep or hibernation mode. o The computer is temporarily disconnected from the internet, and is reconnected later. While you are accessing company data in Tally.

How can I fix Tally data?

Zero command rewrite

  1. Go to the Start menu in your MS Windows computer.
  2. Click Run and enter the path of tally.exe.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Press Ctrl+Alt+R.
  5. Select the company which you want to repair.
  6. In the Repair Company Data screen, configure the options as needed.
  7. Press R (Repair) to repair the data.

How can I make company quit and delete in tally?

If you no longer need the group company, you can easily delete it without affecting the data of the sister companies.

  1. Gateway of Tally > F3 (Cmp Info) > Alter , and select the group company.
  2. In the Group Company Alteration screen, press Alt + D to delete the company.
  3. Press Enter to confirm the deletion.

Why does tally ask for rewrite?

When data corruption occurs, rewrite operation has to be performed to recover the data. Rewriting of data can be done from the Tally. Server Monitor . This operation can be done from any drill-down screen of either Company View or User View.

What does rewrite in Tally mean?

When data corruption occurs, rewrite operation has to be performed to recover the data. Rewriting of data can be done from the Tally. Server Monitor . This operation can be done from any drill-down screen of either Company View or User View. Select the Data Path from the List of Tally.

How can I delete a company in Tally 9?

How do I fix error code 807 in tally?

Check if your LAN cable is connected to both your computer and the network wall socket. Ask your system administrator to ensure that the Tally Server is mapped to the correct IP address in the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) on your computer. After you have resolved the network issue you can: Retry.

What is TMessage TSF in tally?

In Tally. ERP 9, when a transaction is recorded, they are temporarily stored in TMessage. TSF files. Once the data is scannned, it is posted to the respective . 900 files.

What is rewrite in Tally?

How can I make company quit and delete in Tally?

What should I do if I Lost my tally data?

Definitely you lost your tally data. And unfortunately there is no such utility to repair company.500 or to recover your data. You need to hire a professional if you don’t want to re-enter all your entries. Depending on the size of your data, they may charge Rs. 2000-5000!

Which is a good feature of tally ERP 9?

One another good feature of tally.erp 9 is that u can take back up (by copy paste method) at any time even if you are working on it, viewing any ledger or printing or making entry which was not possible in earlier version of tally.

Why is there a problem with tally 7.2?

In Tally 7.2, the most common problem is any time data got corrupted and you can’t log in to the company.

How can I check the due date in tally?

Open Tally.spl file available in the Tally folder and check the bill number mentioned. Check the voucher for Bill wise details and enter correct due date, and then re-accept the transaction. Reason: While splitting the data, Tally consolidates all the entries made.