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What is an example of orthodox?

What is an example of orthodox?

An example of orthodox is a person who abides by all religious doctrine. An example of orthodox is something that is in adherence with the strict traditions of the Jewish faith. An example of orthodox is behavior that fits in with society’s accepted standards or norms. One that is orthodox.

What does being orthodox mean?

Orthodoxy (from Greek: ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxía, ‘righteous/correct opinion’) is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion.

What is orthodox used for?

The word orthodox (“right believing”) has traditionally been used in the Greek-speaking Christian world to designate communities or individuals who preserved the true faith (as defined by those councils), as opposed to those who were declared heretical.

What does Orthodoxy mean in a sentence?

Meaning of orthodoxy in English the generally accepted beliefs of society at a particular time: She is a strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy. [ U ] the degree to which someone believes in traditional religious or political ideas: His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.

Does orthodox mean correct?

of, relating to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc. sound or correct in opinion or doctrine, especially theological or religious doctrine. conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early church.

What is orthodox approach?

An orthodox religious belief or interpretation is one handed down by a church’s founders or leaders. When capitalized, as in Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox refers to a branch within a larger religious organization that claims to honor the religion’s original or traditional beliefs.

Does Orthodox mean correct?

What is an orthodox family?

Answer: A family which maintains age-old traditions is an orthodox family. Such a family is not open to modifications and does not willingly accept modifications of any type. An orthodox family is averse to innovation and does not move forward with the social system.

How do you use orthodoxy?

Examples of orthodoxy in a Sentence I was surprised by the orthodoxy of her political views. He rejected the orthodoxies of the scientific establishment. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘orthodoxy.

How do you use orthodox?

Examples of orthodox in a Sentence Adjective He took an orthodox approach to the problem. She believes in the benefits of both orthodox medicine and alternative medicine. He is a very orthodox Muslim. I attend an Eastern Orthodox church.

How do you use Orthodox in a sentence?

use orthodox in a sentence, make example sentences of the word leader’s orthodox views are, The party leader’s orthodox views are failing to attract new, younger votersShe has rather orthodox ideas, and we want someone who is a bit more creative and original. The party leader’s orthodox views are failing to attract new, younger voters.

What does Orthodox mean in this sentence?

or·tho·dox. Use orthodox in a sentence. adjective. The definition of orthodox is someone or something that strictly adheres to religious beliefs or the conventional, normal way of doing things or normal accepted standards.

Does Orthodoxy need an adjective?

The term Orthodox combines the adjective orthos, which means right, correct or true, and the noun doxa, which comes from the verb doxazo, “I hold an opinion,” or “I believe.” Hence “right belief,” or “true doctrine.” But in a deeper sense it also means “right worship,” since doxazo can also mean “I glorify.” It could be said that the term Orthodox was forged as a defense against heretical, or

What does “Orthodoxy” mean?

orthodoxy – a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards. orientation – an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs. conformism, conformity – orthodoxy in thoughts and belief. heresy, heterodoxy, unorthodoxy – any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position.

What is an example of Orthodox?

What is an example of Orthodox?

An example of orthodox is a person who abides by all religious doctrine. An example of orthodox is something that is in adherence with the strict traditions of the Jewish faith. An example of orthodox is behavior that fits in with society’s accepted standards or norms. One that is orthodox.

Can orthodox be used as a noun?

noun, plural or·tho·dox·ies for 1. orthodox belief or practice.

Is Orthodox always capitalized?

When capitalized, Orthodox is the name of the Eastern Church, originally distinguished by its doctrinal differences from the other divisions of the Christian Church.

What does it mean if someone is orthodox?

An orthodox religious belief or interpretation is one handed down by a church’s founders or leaders. When capitalized, as in Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox refers to a branch within a larger religious organization that claims to honor the religion’s original or traditional beliefs.

Which religion is orthodox?

Orthodox means adhering to accepted norms and creeds – especially in religion. In Christianity, the term means “conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church.” The Orthodox Church is one of the three main Christian groups – the others are the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches.

How to use the word Orthodox in a sentence?

Examples of Orthodox in a sentence While my brother is quite adventurous and likes to try new things, I hate change and prefer to maintain an orthodox lifestyle. 🔊 During the orthodox sex education class, the teacher repeated the same lecture she had been repeating for ten years. 🔊

Can a subvention be raised by a perfectly orthodox process?

A subvention may be raised by a perfectly orthodox fiscal process. There was, after all, little to choose between this orthodox priest and that, other than the length of his chasuble or the cut of his tonsure. Shane has got the orthodox leg-break, the googly, the flipper, the zooter, the slider and the top-spinner.

Is the orthodox doctrine the same as pantheism?

The orthodox doctrine does not teach, as pantheism does, that our soul can not perish. There is nothing to show that Whittington ever swerved from orthodox opinions.