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What column has the most reactive elements?

What column has the most reactive elements?

alkali metals
The family that contains the most reactive metals are the alkali metals.

Which of the elements is most reactive?

Cesium is second from the bottom of this group, has 6 shells of electrons, and it matches the features of a reactive atom, making it the most reactive element.

Which group contains elements that are the most reactive?

The alkali metals are the most reactive group and the alkaline earth metals are the second most reactive group. In the periodic table, reactivity decreases from left to right and increases from top to bottom.

What are the most highly reactive metals?

The most reactive metal on the periodic table is francium. Francium, however, is a laboratory-produced element and only minute quantities have been made, so for all practical purposes, the most reactive metal is cesium.

Which of the following metals is most reactive?

Which is the most reactive of these metals?

Caesium, the most reactive metal in the periodic table, reacts extremely violently – hence why it can’t be demonstrated in a classroom! This can be compared to other common metals, such as iron and copper, which produce no reaction when dropped into water.

Which element is the most reactive Brainly?

Among all the elements on periodic table, Halogen (17th group) elements are most reactive ’cause of high electronegativity. & among all of them, “Fluorine” is most reactive.

Which of the following is the most reactive?

Fluorine is the most reactive element among the given elements.

What is the most reactive metal and why?

The attraction from the positive nucleus to the negative electron is less. This makes it easier to remove the electron and makes the atom more reactive. Experimentally speaking, cesium (caesium) is the most reactive metal.

Which is the most reactive metal and why?

The ionization enthalpy of potassium is minimum. It is the most electropositive and thus, most reactive metal. It reacts vigorously with air as well as water. The reactions are highly exothermic and hence, the hydrogen gas evolved as byproduct catches fire.