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What is a large steep area of raised land?

What is a large steep area of raised land?

plateau. a large area of flat land that is raised higher than the land around it. mountain. a large, tall, rocky area of land that comes up out of the earth’s surface. hill.

What are regions of steep land called?

plateau, extensive area of flat upland usually bounded by an escarpment (i.e., steep slope) on all sides but sometimes enclosed by mountains. The essential criteria for plateaus are low relative relief and some altitude.

What landform is at a high steep elevation?

Plateaus can also be formed by volcanic activity. Mountains are landforms with high relief and high elevation. Mountains can form from a buildup of lava on the ocean floor, or when forces inside Earth fold, push, or uplift huge blocks of rocks.

What is a large area of flat land elevated high above sea level called?

plateau. 1. A large area of flat land elevated high above sea level. 2.

What is a high rocky land with steep sides?

Landforms and Geographic Dictionary

mountain land with steep sides that rises sharply (usually 1,000 feet or more) from the surrounding land, generally larger and more rugged than a hill
peninsula body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded by water on three sides

What landform represents an area of land that rises very high above the land around it?

The answer is a mountain.

What are Slope landforms?

Slope landforms. Slope landforms include: Bluff – Vertical, or near vertical, rock face of substantial height. Butte – Isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top. Canyon – Deep ravine between cliffs.

Is a large area of flat topped rock high above sea level?

Earth Science Chapter 5 Vocab

plateau large area of flat topped rocks high above sea level
isostacy balancing of forces pressing up and down on earth’s crust
fault break in rock along which rocks on either side of the break move
shearing stress that pushes rocks in opposite horizontal directions

What do you call an areas of extensive flat land that do not rise far above sea level?

Earth Science Land Forms

plains flat land area not far above sea level
coastal plains low flat area along the coast
interior plains low, flat area found inland on a continent
plateau broad flat area of land that rises more than 600 meters above sea level