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Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing positions on slavery in the western territories Brainly?

Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing positions on slavery in the western territories Brainly?

Lincoln-Douglas debates, series of seven debates between the Democratic senator Stephen A. Douglas and Republican challenger Abraham Lincoln during the 1858 Illinois senatorial campaign, largely concerning the issue of slavery extension into the territories.

Which party in the 1860 election stood for no expansion of slavery into the territories?

Many southerners were not happy with either the Republican or Democratic Parties so they formed the Constitutional Union Party, which was based entirely on the words of the constitution. Abraham Lincoln of Illinois represented the Republican Party. He wanted to stop the spread of slavery in new territories and states.

Who ran for president in 1860 and was in favor of slavery?

In a four-way contest, the Republican Party ticket of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin, absent from the ballot in ten slave states, won a national popular plurality, a popular majority in the North where states already had abolished slavery, and a national electoral majority comprising only Northern electoral votes.

Who were the candidates in 1860?

Presidential Election of 1860: A Resource Guide

Political Party Presidential Nominee Popular Vote
Republican Abraham Lincoln 1,865,908
Democratic (Southern) John Breckenridge 848,019
Constitutional Union John Bell 590,901
Democratic Stephen Douglas 1,380,202

Who were the 1860 presidential candidates?

Presidential Election of 1860: A Resource Guide

Political Party Presidential Nominee VP Nominee
Republican Abraham Lincoln Hannibal Hamlin
Democratic (Southern) John Breckenridge Joseph Lane
Constitutional Union John Bell Edward Everett
Democratic Stephen Douglas Herschel Johnson

Which presidential candidate completely opposed the spread of slavery to western territories?

Lincoln was morally opposed to slavery and politically opposed to any expansion of it. At issue was extension into the western territories. On October 16, 1854, in his “Peoria Speech”, Lincoln declared his opposition to slavery, which he repeated in his route to presidency.

What were the positions of Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln on slavery in the territories quizlet?

both opposed slavery in the territories. Lincoln thought the federal should ban it; Douglas relied on popular sovereignty.