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What are the methods of traversing?

What are the methods of traversing?

Methods of Traversing

  • Chain Traversing.
  • Compass Traversing.
  • Theodolite Traversing.
  • Plane Table Traversing.

Which method is generally used for open traverse for measuring angles?

The method in which the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite fitted with s compass is called traversing by fast needle method.

What is traverse method?

Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks. It is also used in geodesy. Traverse networks involve placing survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point.

Which method is used for plotting a traverse survey in compass?

By Rectangular Co-Ordinates: This method is generally used for plotting precise work, mainly a theodolite traverse, both closed and open.

What is traverse angle?

A traverse is a continuous series of connected lines of known lengths related to one another by known angles. These angles can be interior angles, deflection angles, or angles to the right. The lengths and azimuths or bearings of each line of the traverse are estimated through field measurements.

Which is are methods of calculating the area of traverse?

The principal methods adopted are Chain traversing, Compass traversing, Transit tape traversing, Plane-table traversing.

Which of the following methods can be used for finding the direction of the survey lines while Travelling?

Explanation: In fast needle method, the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite fitted with a compass. The direction of magnetic meridian is not established at each station.

Which of the following methods can be used for finding the direction of the survey lines while traversing?

Explanation: In fast needle method, the magnetic bearings of traverse lines are measured by a theodolite. The magnetic bearings of the lines are measured with reference so the direction of magnetic meridian is established at the first station. This method is, therefore, more accurate than the loose needle method.

Which method is used in Compass survey?

Compass surveying is done by using traversing. A traverse is formed by connecting the points in the plot by means of a series of straight lines.

Which one of the method is more accurate in plotting a compass traverse?

What are the general methods of calculating area?

Different Methods for the Calculation of Areas in Surveying

  • Midpoint ordinate rule.
  • Average ordinate rule.
  • Simpson’s rule.
  • Trapezoidal rule.
  • Graphical rule.

How is the azimuth of a traverse measured?

Traverse legs are measured by using electronic devices, a 30-meter steel tape, or trig-traverse procedures. At each traverse station, a horizontal angle is measured and used to determine the azimuth of the next traverse leg.

How is a transit used to measure angles?

A transit consists of a telescope for seeing distant target objects, two measurement wheels that work like protractors for reading horizontal and vertical angles, and bubble levels to ensure that the angles are true. A theodolite is essentially the same instrument, except that some mechanical parts are replaced with electronics.

How are the points of a traverse measured?

Each of these straight lines is called a traverse leg, and each point is called a traverse station. Traverse legs are measured by using electronic devices, a 30-meter steel tape, or trig-traverse procedures.

Which is the correct way to measure an angle?

Measuring Angles. When specifying directions, as is done in the preparation of a property survey, angles may be specified as bearings or azimuths. A bearing is an angle less than 90° within a quadrant defined by the cardinal directions. An azimuth is an angle between 0° and 360° measured clockwise from North.