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How big do Blue Emperor tetras get?

How big do Blue Emperor tetras get?


Synonyms None
Maximum Size 4cm (1.6”)
Water Parameters Soft, acidic water is required. pH: 5.5-7.0, dH: up to 8 degrees.
Temperature 24-27 deg C (75-81 deg F)
Compatibility Softwater community

How big do emperor tetras grow?

around two inches
Average Emperor Tetra Size The average adult Emperor Tetra size is only around two inches in length, making this a rather small freshwater species. Some owners have reported lengths closer to three inches, but that’s typically only possible when kept in very large tanks (and even then it’s not a guarantee).

How big do Purple Emperor tetras get?

Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America. Average adult size: 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) Average purchase size: . 75 – 1 inch (1.9 – 2.5 cm)

How many Emperor tetras are in a 10 gallon?

The emperor tetra grows to an adult length of two inches (5 cm), so a 10-gallon tank could hold a group of up to five.

Can emperor tetra live with Betta?

There’s always a risk but in a 29 they should be fine together. You don’t have any fin nippers with your tetras so you could even do a male betta if you wanted. The emperors and the cardinals should be able to handle themselves with a male should you get one that likes to chase.

What is the largest tetra fish?

Diamond Tetra – The diamond tetra is native to Venezuela and it gets its name from the golden reflection bouncing off its scales. These fish grow to 2 ½ inches long or more and they prefer to be kept with 6 or more of their own species.

How big is a neon tetra?

Neon Tetra size is 4 cm (1.5 in) long. The male is slightly longer than the female. It is smaller than the Cardinal Tetra.

Are Emperor Tetras aggressive?

The Black Emperor Tetra typically breeds in pairs and must be kept in shoals of at least 6 to 10 fish. Males will posture and compete for females, but this aggression is not a problem in aquariums with ample space and plenty of décor. It is safe to keep with other peaceful, small fish.

What are larger tetras?

What’s the biggest neon tetra?

The truth is adult Neon Tetras are not big fish. However, they are not extremely tiny fish either. They grow to about 1.2 inches or 3 centimeters on average, but they can grow to a maximum length of 2.5 inches. And since they are schooling fish, it is ideal for you to keep at least 10 of them in your tank.

How big does an emperor tetra fish need to be?

Emperor Tetra is a tiny fish that is ideal for a home aquarium. It looks amazing when playing with other fish in the tank, their maximum size is less than 2 inches. The slow-moving, moderately hard, and warm water is best for them. Nematobrycon Palmeri and Nematobrycon amphioxus are the scientific names of emperor tetra.

What makes a blue emperor tetra stand out?

Their brilliant blue / purple coloration makes them a stand out species in the tropical freshwater aquarium trade, as there are not too many other species that exhibit a bright blue / purple coloration like the Blue Emperor Tetra.

What kind of habitat does blue emperor tetra live in?

Blue Emperor Tetra have a very peaceful disposition, thus they should be housed with other small to medium sized peaceful community species. They do best when housed in groups of 6 or more individuals in a well planted aquarium that emulates their natural Amazonian habitat.

What should I Feed my Blue emperor tetra?

Aquariums with darker substrates and dense vegetation will help bring out the brilliant blue and purple coloration of the Blue Emperor Tetra and provide them with a good sense of security. How to properly feed Blue Emperor Tetra and provide a healthy diet.