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What causes blood protein and leukocytes in urine?

What causes blood protein and leukocytes in urine?

Increased white blood cells in urine may indicate: A bacterial urinary tract infection. This is the most common cause of a high white blood cell count in urine. Inflammation of the urinary tract or kidneys.

Does protein and blood in urine mean infection?

Urine infection can cause proteinuria, but usually there are other signs of this – see Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infections. Proteinuria can also be a symptom of some other conditions and diseases: for example: congestive heart failure, a first warning of eclampsia in pregnancy.

What does it mean when you have large leukocytes in your urine?

Higher levels of leukocytes in the bloodstream may indicate an infection. This is because WBCs are part of the immune system, and they help fight off disease and infection. Leukocytes may also be found in a urinalysis, or a urine test. High levels of WBCs in your urine also suggest that you have an infection.

What does protein and white cells in urine mean?

Protein in the urine and a raised blood pressure reading can indicate preeclampsia. UTIs are common during pregnancy, and doctors will often find leukocytes in the urine that suggest the presence of an infection. However, some women who are pregnant have a bacterial infection in the urine without symptoms.

Is protein in urine serious?

Protein is normally found in the blood. If there is a problem with your kidneys, protein can leak into your urine. While a small amount is normal, a large amount of protein in urine may indicate kidney disease.

What is the treatment for leukocytes in urine?

Leukocytes in urine treatment significantly depend on the cause of the condition. In case if infection is determined to be the reason behind increased amount of Leukocytes in the urine then antibiotics are prescribed to treat the condition. Antibiotics are in fact the first line of treatment against infections.

Did you find leukocytes in your urine?

A leukocyte is a white blood cell which helps in defenses of the immune system against disease. These can sometimes be found in urine. These do not usually occur in the urine in significant numbers. Presence of leukocytes in the urine may be considered as a symptom of an infection.

What causes high WBC in urine?

One of the serious causes of WBC in urine is kidney infection, known as pyelonephritis, which starts in the urinary tract and then travels up to the kidney. Some of the accompanying symptoms of a kidney infection are fever and blood in urine.

What does moderate leukocytes mean in urine?

Prob Urin Tract Infx: With a properly obtained clean catch urine specimen, mild to moderate leukocytes in the urine might indicate a bladder or kidney infection . Bladder infection might just present with urinary urgency and frequency, sometimes with some blood.