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Why is the protoplasm homogeneous?

Why is the protoplasm homogeneous?

It consists of high water contents containing various solutes of biological importance such as glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. ADVERTISEMENTS: These solutes may be either soluble in water making it a homogeneous mass or insoluble in it, thus making it a heterogeneous mass.

Is protoplasm homogenous or heterogenous?

Physical Nature of Protoplasm: It is optically homogenous, elastic, colourless, jelly like, semi-transparent to transparent and semi-viscous substance. There is about 80-90% of water in protoplasm. It appears granular containing many vacuoles.

What kind of mixture is the protoplasm?

It is generally admitted that protoplasm is a watery solution which contains dissolved in it salts and perhaps carbohydrates. The proteins are in a state of colloidal solution, but not completely so, for many of the granules found in protoplasm are doubtless protein and these are in suspension.

What is difference between protoplasm and protoplast?

Protoplast is a naked cell in which the cell wall is removed through enzymatic degradation while the protoplasm is the collective term that is used to refer to both cytoplasm and the nucleus. This is the key difference between protoplast and protoplasm.

What is meant by the term protoplasm?

protoplasm, the cytoplasm and nucleus of a cell. The term was first defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living material and, hence, responsible for all living processes. Today the term is used to mean simply the cytoplasm and nucleus.

What is protoplasm Slideshare?

DEFINITION Protoplasm is the living contents in a cell that is surrounded by a plasma membrane.

What is protoplasm what are its constituent?

The protoplasm is the living material of the cell. It is primarily composed of biomolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. It also holds inorganic salts and molecules of water. The protoplasm consists of two major divisions in eukaryotes: the cytoplasm, and the nucleoplasm (cell nucleus).

What is protoplasm and protoplast?

Protoplasts are the isolated cells whose cell wall is removed and are bounded by plasmalemma. Protoplasm is the complex, semifluid, translucent substance that constitutes the living matter of plant and animal cells. Protoplasm provides the medium for the essential life processes of a cell.

Why is protoplasm so important?

The protoplasm takes essential substances for its growth by absorption and it gets rid of from non-required substances by excretion. The protoplasm of green plants absorbs water and minerals from the soil and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Is protoplasm colloid or suspension?

Protoplasm is a colloidal solution. It is a general term used for the living substance of cells which is enclosed by the plasma membrane.

What makes up the composition of a protoplasm?

It contains all the molecules of cellular matter such as proteins, fats and water. 3. what is the composition of protoplasm? Protoplasm is made up of a mixture of small molecules like ions, amino acids, monosaccharides and water, and macromolecules like nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides.

Is the protoplasm in the middle of the cell?

As the prokaryotic cell is devoid of the cell nucleus and the remaining part is known as prokaryotic cytoplasm. Oppositely, a eukaryotic cell is partitioned into a spherical nucleus and homogenous cytoplasm. Therefore, the protoplasm in the middle of the cell membrane and nucleus will be termed as “Cytoplasm”.

What was the granular theory of the protoplasm?

Granular theory was pro­pounded by Altmann in 1893. This theory supports the view that the protoplasm contains many granules of smaller and larger size arranged differently. These granules were known as bioplasts (Fig. 3.2 C). 4.

When did Hugo von Mohl use the word protoplasm?

In living organisms, the protoplasm consists of around 75–80 percent water Hugo von Mohl first used the word “protoplasm” in 1846 to describe the substance in plant cells besides the cell wall, the cell nucleus and the vacuole In general, the word protoplasm is used to refer to the living parts of a cell.