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How do you get rid of dead verbs?

How do you get rid of dead verbs?

Another way to eliminate dead verbs and make writing more vivid is to change the sentence around. Instead of “The music was written by Mozart,” change the sentence order to “Mozart wrote the music.” That simple change eliminates the dead verb “was” and immediately converts the sentence from passive to active voice.

How do you replace a dead word?

How to Get Rid of Dead Words in Writing

  1. Avoid Passive Voice. Maintain an active voice in your writing.
  2. Delete Irrelevant Expressions. Edit sentences ruthlessly for redundant words and expressions that add nothing to the sentence meanings.
  3. Eliminate Vague Qualifiers.
  4. Shorten Lengthy Sentences.
  5. Use Fewer Adverbs.

What are boring verbs?

10 Overly Used and Boring Verbs, and How You Can Replace Them

  • organize, purchase, avail, requisition, become.
  • shout, yell, whisper, schmooze, prattle, garble.
  • skip, gallop, stroll, wander, stride, amble, saunter.
  • gobble down, chomp, gulp, crunch, devour.
  • Peer, gaze, gawp, stare, inspect, consider.

What are 5 examples of a verb?

Examples of Action Verbs in Sentences

  • Anthony is throwing the football.
  • She accepted the job offer.
  • He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
  • John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
  • The dog ran across the yard.
  • She left in a hurry.
  • She yelled when she hit her toe.
  • The cat sat by the window.

Is did a dead verb?

What is a dead verb? Dead Verbs: is, are, am, have, had, has, be, been, was, look, were, take, took, went, go, ran, run, make, do, did, gone, came, come, -ing words.

What’s the difference between died and dead?

The explanation is quite simple: Dead is an Adjective (a descriptive word) Die is a Verb (an action word) Died is the past tense of the verb Die.

Is bad a dead word?

A dead word is a word in the English language that is overused. Some examples of dead words are: happy, sad, mad, said, mean, good, bad, a lot, fun, and very.

Is good a dead word?

Some words in the English language tend to be overused and, therefore, lose their power. These words are referred to as DEAD WORDS….

good excellent, exceptional, fine, marvelous, splendid, superb, wonderful
great wonderful, outstanding, marvelous, fantastic, excellent

What does bore mean slang?

a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person. a cause of ennui or petty annoyance: repetitious tasks that are a bore to do.

What are some vivid verbs?

Here are some examples of vivid verbs that children can use in their writing:

  • approach.
  • barge.
  • bounce.
  • catapult.
  • chase.
  • clamber.
  • climb.
  • cower.

What do you do with a dead verb?

Since dead verbs are stagnant and not descriptive, the sentences that contain them are surrounded by additional sentences that clarify the action. Revise your writing by combining words and ideas from the sentences that apply to the action surrounding the dead verb.

What is the meaning of the word ” dead “?

(intransitive, figuratively) To yearn intensely. (intransitive) To be utterly cut off by family or friends, as if dead. (intransitive, figuratively) To become spiritually dead; to lose hope. (intransitive, colloquial) To be mortified or shocked by a situation.

Why do you need more verbs in your writing?

Introducing more good verbs to your writing can help avoid two things readers dislike: generalizations and a lack of forward movement.