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Whats 234 rounded to the nearest 100?

Whats 234 rounded to the nearest 100?

So to the nearest hundred, 234 is rounded to 200 .

What is 249 to the nearest 100?

What is 249 rounded to the nearest hundred

  • rimjhim it will be 240 becouse it is asking for nearest hundred mean 4.then you can calculate.
  • 200.

What is 251 to the nearest 100?

It is true if you round the number.

  • to the nearest 100 for example.
  • 251 rounded to the nearest 100 is.
  • 300. But is doesn’t matter if there.
  • is a 5 in the tens place when.
  • rounding to the nearest 1,000 for.
  • example 3,252 will round to 3,000.
  • What is 362 to the nearest 10?

    Round off to the nearest tens: The given number is 362. Its ones or unit digit is 2, which is less than 5. So, we replace the ones digit by 0 to get the rounded off number. Hence, rounded off number = 360.

    What is the nearest hundred of 789?

    Answer: Correct answer is 800.

    Which number rounds to 800 when rounding to the nearest hundred?

    11. 892 is between 800 and 900 and rounded to the nearest 100 is 900 . 12. 829 is between 800 and 900 and rounded to the nearest 100 is 800 .

    What is the nearest hundred for 545?

    Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100.

  • Grade 2 Rounding Worksheet.
  • Round to the nearest hundred.
  • 545 = 755 =
  • Online reading & math for K-5.
  • Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100.
  • Grade 2 Rounding Worksheet. Example: 689 rounded to the nearest 100 is 700.
  • Round to the nearest hundred.
  • What is 239 rounded to the nearest hundred?

    First, 239 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 200 When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 239 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above.

    How much is rounding to the nearest hundred?

    Rounding to the nearest hundred is 800. Rounding to the nearest ten is 840. Rounding to the nearest one is 838. Rounding to the nearest tenth is 838.3. Rounding to the nearest hundredth is 838.27.

    What happens when you round a number to the nearest integer?

    Rounding a number involves replacing the number with an approximation of the number that results in a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation of said number based on specific rounding definitions. For example, if rounding the number 2.7 to the nearest integer, 2.7 would be rounded to 3.

    Can a rounding calculator be used to round a number?

    There are various rounding definitions that can be used to round a number. The calculator defaults to rounding to the nearest integer, but settings can be changed to use other rounding modes and levels of precision. All the rounding modes the calculator is capable of are described below.