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What is alive but only has one foot?

What is alive but only has one foot?

What is alive and has only 1 foot? A leg.

How come a bed has four legs but only one foot?

The answer to the riddle, “What has four legs but only one foot?” is “A bed.” The confusion in the riddle lies in the English language conventions for naming parts of animate and inanimate objects. When talking about an animal, a leg is an ambulatory appendage ending in afoot.

What comes in different sizes but is always only 1 foot long?

Explanation. A shoe comes in all sizes but is always one equal to your foot.

What has four legs but only one foot?

According to Braingle, the answer to the riddle, “What has four legs but only one foot?” is “A bed.” The confusion in the riddle lies in the English language conventions for naming parts of animate and inanimate objects. When talking about an animal, a leg is an ambulatory appendage ending in a foot.

Can a chair have both legs and feet?

When talking about an animal, a leg is an ambulatory appendage ending in a foot. Inanimate objects, like chairs, are said to have ‘legs’, but they are rarely said to have separate ‘feet’. Furthermore, a bed has both a ‘head end’ and a ‘foot end’, as seen in the Antique Furniture Guide.

Can a flat foot affect more than one foot?

It can be difficult to flex the feet up or down or move them side-to-side. Flatfoot may affect one foot or both. Adult-acquired (fallen arch): With an adult-acquired flat foot (fallen arch), the foot’s arch unexpectedly drops or collapses. The fallen arch causes the foot to turn outward and can be painful. The problem may affect only one foot.

How many people have flat feet at birth?

All babies have flat feet at birth. Arches typically form by age 6. About two out of 10 children still have flat feet as adults. Some adults have arches that collapse. This condition, fallen arches, is another term for flatfoot. Flat feet aren’t a problem for most people.