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Which organism does not have a digestive system?

Which organism does not have a digestive system?

Yet over the years — probably many, many millions of years — a large number animals have lost their stomachs. Examples range from the platypus and ghost shark to the lungfish. A team of scientists wanted to probe how such animals evolved to live without these meal digesting organs.

What animal has an incomplete digestive system?

This type of digestive system is also called an incomplete digestive tract. Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Ctenophora (comb jellies), and Cnidaria (coral, jelly fish, and sea anemones) use this type of digestion.

Why do animals require a digestive system?

Animals require a digestive system because they take food in the form that body cannot directly utilize. The food needs to be broken down into form that body can utilize. There are various other organisms apart from animals that possess a digestive system For example amoeba has food vacuole that helps in digestion.

Which of the following is not function of the digestive system Brainly?

Transportation is not the work digestive system.

Which is not a main function of the stomach?

The stomach has the capability of performing all the functions in the list except for completion of digestion of fats. The stomach does not complete the digestion of fat. Explanation: Digestion of fats begin in the mouth where they are acted upon by the enzyme known as lingual lipase.

Why do animals need a digestive system?

Why is the digestive system important in animals?

Animals use the organs of their digestive systems to extract important nutrients from food they consume, which can later be absorbed.

What are the different types of digestive systems in animals?

Different species of animals are better able to digest certain types of feeds than others. This difference occurs because of the various types of digestive systems found in animals. There are four basic types of digestive systems: monogastric, avian, rumi- nant, and pseudo-ruminant.

What kind of organisms have only one opening for digestion?

Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Ctenophora (comb jellies), and Cnidaria (coral, jelly fish, and sea anemones) use this type of digestion. Gastrovascular cavities, as shown in Figure 15.5 a, are typically a blind tube or cavity with only one opening, the “mouth”, which also serves as an “anus”.

Why is the digestive system important to herbivores?

As animals evolved in complexity of form and function, their digestive systems have also evolved to accommodate their various dietary needs. Herbivores are animals whose primary food source is plant-based.

How are vertebrates adapted to their digestive system?

Vertebrates have evolved more complex digestive systems to adapt to their dietary needs. Some animals have a single stomach, while others have multi-chambered stomachs. Birds have developed a digestive system adapted to eating unmasticated food.