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Which hemisphere is south of where you live?

Which hemisphere is south of where you live?

All points on Earth that are south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere. This includes Australia, Antarctica, most of South America, and southern Africa.

What states are in Southern Hemisphere?

List of Countries Located Completely in the Southern Hemisphere

Rank Countries in the Southern Hemisphere
1 Angola
2 Argentina
3 Australia
4 Bolivia

Which hemisphere is south of America?

Southern Hemisphere
The Southern Hemisphere contains most of South America, one-third of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and some Asian islands. There are differences in the climates of the Northern and Southern hemispheres because of the Earth’s seasonal tilt toward and away from the sun.

What is southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere refers to the northern half of hemisphere. This means that the northern hemisphere lies to the north of the equator. The southern hemisphere refers to the half of the Earth which is to the south of the Equator. It contains all or parts of the five continents which are Antarctica.

What is the difference between Northern & Southern Hemisphere?

What is the Southern Hemisphere called?

It contains all or parts of five continents (Antarctica, Australia, about 90% of South America, one third of Africa, and several islands off the continental mainland of Asia), four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific), New Zealand and most of the Pacific Islands in Oceania.

What is different in the Southern Hemisphere?

During the day in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun will rise to its maximum point at a southerly position, because it will go with the direction of the equator (south). In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite occurs, as the sun rises to its maximum point in a northern direction.

Where are the northern and southern hemispheres located?

This includes all of North America and Europe along with most of Asia, northern South America, and northern Africa. All points on Earth that are south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere. This includes Australia, Antarctica, most of South America, and southern Africa.

What is the difference between the eastern and Western Hemispheres?

With either set of boundaries, the Eastern Hemisphere includes Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The Western Hemisphere includes the Americas (i.e. “The New World”). Unlike the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, these hemispheres have no real impact on climate. Instead, the big difference between east and west is the time of day.

Where does the water come from in the southern hemisphere?

The Southern Hemisphere is the half of Earth south of the Equator, containing 80.9% water (20% more than the Northern Hemisphere) from four oceans, including the Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific).

Where is the division of the Western Hemisphere?

The typical division of the Eastern and Western hemispheres is along the prime meridian or zero degrees longitude (through the United Kingdom) and 180 degrees longitude (through the Pacific Ocean, near the International Date Line).