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How do you use happily in a sentence?

How do you use happily in a sentence?

Happily sentence example

  1. They had been happily married for twenty years.
  2. The way in which true genius works could not be more happily described.
  3. She watched the men eating happily around the table and left the mansion for the gardens.
  4. Who would have guessed two years ago that he would become a happily married man?

What is happily in grammar?

adverb. adverb. /ˈhæpəli/ 1in a cheerful way; with feelings of pleasure or satisfaction children playing happily on the beach to be happily married I think we can manage quite happily on our own.

What is a good sentence for happy?

[M] [T] She told him that she was happy. [M] [T] She was very happy with my gift. [M] [T] I’d be happy to attend your party. [M] [T] I’ve never been this happy before.

What happily means?

adverb. in a happy manner; with pleasure. by good fortune; providentially; luckily. felicitously; appropriately; aptly: a happily turned phrase.

Is most happily correct?

The usual superlative of “happy” is “happiest”, not “most happy”. Some examples. I was the happiest person there. – “Happiest” is an adjective and usually needs a noun or pronoun.

How do you use Happily?

(1) The children played happily in the sand. (2) May the people of the nation live happily and wealthily this upcoming year. (3) Adam whistled happily on his way to work. (4) The children were playing happily with their toys.

What is happily word?

Words related to happy cheerful, contented, overjoyed, ecstatic, elated, joyous, delighted, pleased, pleasant, lively, merry, peaceful, upbeat, joyful, glad, jubilant, thrilled, successful, apt, fortunate.

How do you use happiness?

Happiness sentence example

  1. I wish you all the happiness you so deserve.
  2. Is being in control so important that you’re willing to sacrifice the happiness of your only son?
  3. Bubbling with happiness , she hummed as she strode through the corridors in search of Romas.
  4. Didn’t he realize that your happiness had value too?