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How does Mama prevent the soldiers from opening the casket?

How does Mama prevent the soldiers from opening the casket?

What did Mama say to keep the soldiers from opening the casket? Aunt Birte had been burned, and she didn’t want people to see her. It was custom to keep the casket closed.

How did Mama fooled soldiers?

How does Mama keep the soldiers from opening the casket? Peter gave a paper-wrapped packet to Mr. Rosen.

Why didn’t the German soldiers open the casket?

Mrs. The officer asks why the coffin isn’t open, and Mrs. Johansen lies and says that it’s because Birte had typhus and so she’s full of germs.

Why did they want to see in the casket How did Mama stop them?

How did Mama stop them? They wanted to make sure there was a dead body in it. She told the soldiers that Aunt Birtie had a virus. The soldier asks why the casket is closed, and Mama explains Great-Aunt Birte died of typhus and the doctors have warned them that the corpse could still be contagious.

How did Mama stop them?

How did Mama stop them from looking in the casket? By saying Great-Aunt had a disease. What promise did Ellen make to Annemarie?

What does Mama lie to Annemarie?

Mama lies to protect Annemarie from knowing too much, in case they are confronted by the soldiers.

What was in the casket in number the stars?

There is nothing in the casket except blankets and clothing. He distributes the items to the people gathered, saying they will need them for protection against the cold. Annemarie watches Ellen put on a jacket.

Why did Mrs Johansen have to crawl home in Number the Stars?

By Lois Lowry Whew. Mrs. Johansen wasted no time getting out of there, but she was going too fast and fell. She hurt herself pretty badly and it took forever to crawl home.

What did the soldier do to Mama?

She said that Aunt Bertie died of typhus and that the germs may spread if the casket is open. What did the Nazi soldier do to Mama? Why? He slapped her and then spit on the ground and told her why would they want to see a dead person.

What does Mama tell the Nazi soldier when he asks?

What does Mama tell the Nazi soldier when he asks why the casket is not open? She said the doctor said it should be closed because Great Aunt Birte died of typhus and there is a chance the germs could still be there. When Mama offers to open the casket, what does the Nazi soldier do?

Why does Mama say the casket is closed?

Mama says the casket is closed because Birte died of typhus germs, pretty much guaranteeing no one will open it to check their story. It works. The Nazi who questions them refuses to let her open the casket.

Why is the casket not open in number the stars?

One of the officers says he is aware of Danish customs, and wants to know why the casket isn’t open—traditionally, Danes “pay one’s respect by looking [their] loved one [s] in the face.” Though Mama, Uncle Henrik, and the others have devised a cunning cover for the start of their mission, the Nazis threaten to undermine the entire operation.

Why did Annemarie want to open Great Aunt Birte’s casket?

Annemarie feels a panic come over her, but Mama quickly answers that Great-aunt Birte died of typhus, and her doctor suggested the casket remain closed to prevent the spread of the disease. Mama hurriedly states, though, that the stupid “country doctor” didn’t know what he was talking about, and goes over to the casket to open it.