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What are prescriptive requirements?

What are prescriptive requirements?

A requirement that explicitly states both “what to do” and “how to do it.” For example, the specifications for a full body harness and the requirement that it be used when working at a certain height or within a specified distance from the edge of a roof are prescriptive requirements.

What does prescriptive mean in energy code?

A prescriptive code requires that each component is built to a certain standard, e.g. Wall R-value at least 20. A performance code requires that the building as a whole performs to a certain standard, e.g. uses less energy than the same building built to prescriptive code.

What is prescriptive method?

The Prescriptive Method provides engineering tables showing reinforcement specifications for common wall heights and openings, as well as connections between walls and footings, walls and floors, and walls and roofs. The Prescriptive Method, once adopted into the IRC has not been revised or updated.

What is prescriptive compliance method?

As the name alludes to, the Prescriptive Compliance Method prescribes how a project must comply given a particular scope of work. This is the least ambiguous compliance method of the three as it provides direct instructions to achieve compliance.

What is prescriptive and descriptive?

A descriptive dictionary is one that attempts to describe how a word is used, while a prescriptive dictionary is one that prescribes how a word should be used. If a word or expression is not found in careful or formal speech or writing, good descriptive practice requires the reporting of this information.

What is a proprietary specification?

Proprietary Specifications demand that only one specific product be used for a given installation. It is commonly utilized if the portion of a project requires a certain performance that only one product can achieve.

What is the difference between mandatory and prescriptive?

What is the difference between Prescriptive and Mandatory measures? Prescriptive measures are the values of the standard package A in that climate zone – it is also the design of the baseline building; mandatory measures have to be meet no matter what.

What is the prescriptive path?

The prescriptive path requires each element of a building to meet a minimum acceptable value listed out by the referred energy code. Generally, the prescriptive tables present a specific insulation value for different types of wall and roof construction across different climate zones.

What is the difference between prescriptive code and performance code?

As the name implies, the “prescriptive path” requires a builder to satisfy a certain standard – like a requirement to install a pre-specified R-Value in an exterior wall or attic cavity. On the other hand, the “performance path” would require an entire building to perform up to a pre-specified standard.

What is an example of prescriptive?

The definition of prescriptive is the imposition of rules, or something that has become established because it has been going on a long time and has become customary. A handbook dictating the rules for proper behavior is an example of something that would be described as a prescriptive handbook.

What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive issues?

Descriptive issues address or describe how the world is. For example, “What makes grass grow?” Prescriptive issues deal with the way the world ought to be and often involve moral or ethical concerns such as “We should reduce our carbon footprint.” The conclusion is usually the author’s answer or solution to the issue.

What are the 4 types of specifications?

Deciding among the four types of specifications—descriptive, performance, reference standard, and proprietary—and choosing how the specification is going to be written is only the first of many design decisions engineers make when starting to edit what will become a project specification, especially when specifying …

Is there a prescriptive path to energy code compliance?

When using the prescriptive path to energy code compliance, this method doesn’t require conducting calculations and merely involves following a chart. Using performance pathways to establish energy code compliance requires “modeling” the building to predict energy usage against an acceptable baseline.

Where can I find the Energy Star prerequisites?

Although the prerequisite measures can be used to help the project meet the Performance Target, failure to meet the prerequisite requirements will result in the project not earning the ENERGY STAR. The prerequisites are found within the ENERGY STAR MFHR Performance Path document.

Why are prescriptive and performance building codes important?

A general understanding of building codes helps all parties involved in design and construction understand the specific requirements involved in compliance, preventing errors, delays, cost overruns and most importantly, ensure public safety. There are two primary paths for compliance: prescriptive and performance building codes.

What are the guidelines for wind energy development?

The Directive contains 46 standards and 19 best management practices covering wind project development stages, from site planning and selection to construction and operation. There are specific wildlife zones identified in the Directive where wind energy projects are either prohibited or sited to minimize their impact.