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Is it 15 year old or years old?
“15 years old” is used as an adjective phrase in “I have a 15-year-old son” or “He drives a 15-year-old car.” Note that you must change from “years” to the singular “year” to use this phrase as an adjective.
Is it 10 years old or 10 year old?
If using as the adjective of a noun (usually before the noun) it’s “year old” as in “Ten-year-old car” if stating the age of the noun (usually after the noun) it’s “years old” as in “the car is ten years old”. This, although stating the obvious, might explain better: “The ten year old car is ten years old”.
Is it year old or years old?
When the person’s age is being used as an adjective before their name, we say year-old and not years old: My six-years-old son is starting school next week.
Is 25 year old correct?
If a noun comes after years old, you will want to hyphenate it. For example, That is a 25-year-old game.
What should I do at age 23?
Please enjoy these 23 things to do instead of getting engaged before you’re 23.
- Get a passport.
- Find your “thing.”
- Make out with a stranger.
- Adopt a pet.
- Start a band.
- Make a cake. Make a second cake. Have your cake and eat it too.
- Get a tattoo. It’s more permanent than a marriage.
- Explore a new religion.
Is it 2 year or 2 years?
As others have said, the idiomatic answer is that you form an adjective phrase “two-year” to describe something relating to a period of two years (the plural is always dropped in this sort of construction). The hyphen ought to be used, though many people will write it without one.
Is it 5 year or 5 years?
Years are countable so using 5 years would be correct. -He was 14 years old when it happened.
Is it a year or an year?
The word year when pronounced starts with a phonetic sound of e which is a vowel sound making it eligible for being preceded by an. Yet, we tend to write a year.
What should I do when I Turn 25?
Turning 25 is an often forgot about milestone that truly marks our entrance into adulthood. While it is true that the only things we can do at 25 is lower our car insurance rates, or purchase life insurance before the cost goes up, it also marks a time in life when we start on the path toward figuring out who we are.
Do You Say my Daughter is eight years old?
Don’t say: “My daughter has eight years.” Don’t say: “My daughter has eight years old.” Say: “My daughter is eight years old.” When speaking about age in English, we use the verb be (am, is, are) and not have/has. I’m thirty years old. My nephew is fourteen years old. These houses are 200 years old.
When do you say year old and not years old?
When the person’s age is being used as an adjective before their name, we say year-old and not years old: My six-years-old son is starting school next week. My six-year-old son is starting school next week. Fix your English errors FAST: