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When was the last time December 25th was on a Friday?

When was the last time December 25th was on a Friday?

When is Friday the 25th?

Friday the 25th occurrences
Year Date Month
2015 Friday, December 25, 2015 December
2016 Friday, March 25, 2016 March
Friday, November 25, 2016 November

What years did April 25th fall on a Sunday?

When is Sunday the 25th?

Sunday the 25th occurrences
Year Date Since last
2026 Sunday, January 25, 2026 + 8 months
Sunday, October 25, 2026 + 9 months
2027 Sunday, April 25, 2027 + 6 months

What year did Christmas fall on a Saturday?

Christmas 2019

Year Day Christmas Falls On Christmas
2024 Wednesday December 25, 2024
2025 Thursday December 25, 2025
2026 Friday December 25, 2026
2027 Saturday December 25, 2027

Is April 25th a special day?

Red Hat Society Day. World Malaria Day. World Penguin Day. Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day – April 25, 2021 (Last Sunday in April)

Why is April 25th important?

1901 – New York becomes the first U.S. state to require automobile license plates. 1915 – World War I: The Battle of Gallipoli begins: The invasion of the Turkish Gallipoli Peninsula by British, French, Indian, Newfoundland, Australian and New Zealand troops, begins with landings at Anzac Cove and Cape Helles.

How often does the 25th day of a month fall on a Sunday?

When is Sunday the 25th? How often does the 25th day of a month fall on a Sunday. Between years 2015 and 2025 this occurs 18 times. Upcoming occurrence is highlighted.

How often does Christmas fall on a different day?

Because Christmas is always celebrated on December 25, that means, of course, that it will fall on a different day of the week every year.

What is the name of the Christian holiday on December 25?

December 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Christmas Day, Christian festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. (Internationally observed) Tulsi Pujan Diwas ; Constitution Day (Taiwan) Good Governance Day ; Malkh-Festival (Nakh peoples of Chechnya and Ingushetia) Quaid-e-Azam’s Day ; Takanakuy (Chumbivilcas Province, Peru) References

How often does the 3rd day of a month fall on a Sunday?

How often does the 3rd day of a month fall on a Sunday. Between years 2015 and 2025 this occurs 20 times. Upcoming occurrence is highlighted. Which years have the same weekdays?