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Is calves plural for calf?

Is calves plural for calf?

With others, such as leaf and shelf, you need to replace the f with ves—leaves and shelves. But in some cases, as with the plural of calf, it seems that you can form the plural both ways. For calf, calves is a better plural, at least for now.

What is singular plural for calves?

Calf is the singular of the word while calves is the plural for the same word. It refers to the lower part of the leg, under the thigh or a baby of some mammals.

How do you spell leg calf?

The calf (Latin: sura, plural calves) is the back portion of the lower leg in human anatomy. The muscles within the calf correspond to the posterior compartment of the leg.

Is calf a proper noun?

A young cow or bull. A young elephant, seal or whale .

What is number of calf?

The plural of calf is calves.

What are baby cows called plural?

A calf (plural calves) is a young domestic cow or bull. Calves are reared to become adult cattle or are slaughtered for their meat, called veal, and hide. The term calf is also used for some other species. See “Other animals” below.

What is a group of calves called?

calf. herd, pod, school. Prairie dog.

Is the word calf the plural of calf?

However, Merriam-Webster, lists calfs as an option for the plural of calf, especially when using the word as plural for calfskin. And if you think that’s a mistake, you might be surprised to find that calfs is indeed used:

Which is better a calf or a calf?

But in some cases, as with the plural of calf, it seems that you can form the plural both ways. But one of the two ways has to be better than the other, right? For calf, calves is a better plural, at least for now. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great?

Do you replace the F with Ves in calf?

With others, such as leaf and shelf, you need to replace the f with ves — leaves and shelves. But in some cases, as with the plural of calf, it seems that you can form the plural both ways. But one of the two ways has to be better than the other, right?

What are the muscles of a calf like?

The muscles of their calves and upper arms were like cannonballs. 3 A piece of ice that broke off from a bigger iceberg or glacier: