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What Native American tribe greatly helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition?

What Native American tribe greatly helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition?

The bilingual Shoshone woman Sacagawea (c. 1788 – 1812) accompanied the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery expedition in 1805-06 from the northern plains through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and back. Her skills as a translator were invaluable, as was her intimate knowledge of some difficult terrain.

What did the Chinook hunt?

Their main food source was salmon, but Chinook men also caught other fish and sea animals. The Chinook woman gathered clams, mussels, shellfish , berries, and roots. The Chinook men hunted elk, deer, buffalo, and sea animals.

Where did Lewis and Clark encounter the Chinook tribe?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition first encountered Chinookan-speaking people at the Dalles of the Columbia river. Upper and Lower Chinookan villages were in contact as the expedition traveled to the river’s mouth, wintered at Fort Clatsop, and returned home in spring 1806.

How did the natives help Lewis and Clark?

The Indians took in the weary travelers, fed them and helped them regain their health. As the Corps recovered, they built dugout canoes, then left their horses with the Nez Perce and braved the Clearwater River rapids to Snake River and then to the Columbia River.

How did the Lewis and Clark expedition affect the natives?

For Native Peoples, the aftermath of the Lewis and Clark was anything but a positive experience. Perhaps the most devastating was the outbreak of smallpox among the Mandan in 1837, an epidemic which all but destroyed the once-powerful group.

Was the Chinook used in Vietnam?

Perhaps the most cost effective use of the Chinook was the recovery of other downed aircraft. At the Vietnam war’s peak the US Army had 21 Chinook companies in Vietnam.

Why was the expedition of Lewis and Clark so important?

Lewis and Clark were important because they undertook the first expedition to cross the western part of the United States all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

How did the Lewis and Clark tribe communicate?

The tribes used a trade jargon, a mixture of several tribal languages, to communicate with other tribes in a vast trade network from Alaska in the north, down the Pacific Coast, and up the Columbia River to the east.

Where did Lewis and Clark live in Oregon?

Their neighbors, the Chinook, lived on the northern banks of the Columbia and on the Pacific Coast, while the Nehalem, the northernmost band of the Tillamook, lived on the Oregon coast at Tillamook Head south to Kilchis Point.

What did Lewis and Clark do with the Oto Indians?

The Oto Indians had an open-trade system that Lewis and Clark tried to redesign with the best intentions of introducing the natives to a structured and organized value system, [9] but this did not quite satisfy the natives and went back to their preferential method of trading with their neighbors as they saw fit.