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What biome has a stable year-round growing season and abundant rainfall?

What biome has a stable year-round growing season and abundant rainfall?

What makes the Tropical Rain Forests most abundant of all Biomes. The stable, year-round growing season and abundant rainfall makes the rain forest the most abundant of the all biomes. There is intense competitions for light among the plants in the rain forest.

What is a eutrophic lake quizlet?

eutrophic lake. Lake with a large or excessive supply of plant nutrients, mostly nitrates and phosphates. Compare mesotrophic lake, oligotrophic lake. floodplain.

Which aquatic biome has producers that are Chemoautotrophs?

Benthic plants grow only on the fringe of the world’s oceans and are estimated to produce only 5 to 10 percent of the total marine plant material in a year. Chemoautotrophs are the producers of the deep-sea vents.

In which marine zone would you find the majority of plankton?

The epipelagic zone is the top 200 meters of water, or the depth to which enough sunlight can penetrate for photosynthesis. Most open ocean organisms are concentrated in this zone, including both plankton and nekton. The mesopelagic zone is between 200 and 1,000 meters below sea level.

Which of the following biomes has the most annual rainfall?

Tropical rainforest biomes
Tropical rainforest biomes receive maximum precipitation. Annual rainfall is always more than 66 inches.

What biomes precipitate year-round?

The temperate rain forest biome has mild temperatures without a pronounced cold winter. Precipitation is abundant all year. Although the temperatures are cool, they are adequate for a year-round growing season.

What is an oligotrophic lake quizlet?

Oligotrophic lakes. Lakes that have low productivity due to low amounts of nutrients.

What do you mean by eutrophic lake?

Detailed Description. A Highly Eutrophic Lake: A eutrophic condition is a term describing a situation where of a water body has lost so much of its dissolved oxygen that normal aquatic life begins to die off. Eutrophic conditions form when a water body is “fed” too many nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen.

Where freshwater in rivers meets salt water in oceans?

Estuaries and their surrounding wetlands are bodies of water usually found where rivers meet the sea. Estuaries are home to unique plant and animal communities that have adapted to brackish water—a mixture of fresh water draining from the land and salty seawater.

Which type of lake has the largest amount of nutrients?

Eutrophic lakes are very fertile from all the nutrients carried into the lake from the surrounding landscape. These nutrients (Phosphorus and Nitrogen) support high densities of algae, fish and other aquatic organisms. Since eutrophic lakes have so much biomass, there is a lot of decomposition occurring at the bottom.

Where would an ecologist find the most phytoplankton in a lake?

Unit 4 of AP Bio

Question Answer
Where would an ecologist find the most phytoplankton in a lake? Limnetic zone
Nutrient-rich agricultural runoff into freshwater ecosystems can result in what? Cultural eutrophication
Where would you be most likely to find plants known as hydrophytes? A bog

In which marine zone would you find the majority of plankton quizlet?

Pelagic Zone: Open ocean. A lot of plankton, floating creatures, and photosynthetic plankton (phytoplankton).

What happens when a lake is rich in organic waste?

A lake rich in organic waste favors algal bloom. Excess algal population covers the water surface and the underground plants die due to lack of Sunlight. Available dead and decaying plants favor microbial growth. Microbes use dissolved oxygen in the decomposition of organic waste and reduce the available oxygen for water animals and fishes.

What makes a lake an oligotrophic or mesotrophic lake?

A water body can be oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic, and hypereutropic: Oligotrophic: An oligotrophic lake or water body is one which has a relatively low productivity due to the low nutrient content in the lake.

Why do eutrophic lakes have a high respiration level?

Initially, eutrophic lakes accelerate multiplication and growth of lake fauna due to the high levels of oxygen provided by a large number of plants growing in the lake. However, when things cross limits and plants or algal blooms overcrowd the lake, the lake fauna suffers due to the high levels of respiration by the living vegetative matter.

What are the problems of Hypereutrophic lakes?

Hypereutrophic: These lakes suffer from problems arising due to excessive plant and algal growth due to a high supply of growth nutrients. These lakes have little transparency due to the dense overgrowth of algae or aquatic flora. These lakes usually have visibility limited to lower than 3 feet.