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What secret does Sodapop share with Ponyboy?

What secret does Sodapop share with Ponyboy?

What secret does Soda tell Ponyboy? The secret that Soda told ponyboy was that he might marry sandy someday.

What Soda gives Ponyboy?

Sodapop’s Letter is a letter Sodapop gave Dallas to pass onto Ponyboy while he was staying at the church, because Soda knew Dallas knew where the boys were, but Dallas wouldn’t tell even Soda, so he wrote Ponyboy this letter.

Why do Ponyboy and Sodapop share a room?

Ponyboy values his sleep, though his troubles cause his own brothers to lose much of theirs in Susan E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders. Because of the Curtis’ small house, Pony shares a bed each night with his brother, Soda; Darry has the other bedroom to himself.

How are Ponyboy and Sodapop alike?

Ponyboy is similar to Sodapop because they are both sympathetic individuals who have likable personalities. Ponyboy also struggles to get along with his oldest brother, Darry, while Soda has a good relationship with him. They also have different interests.

Does Cherry help Ponyboy realize?

Cherry goes on to teach Ponyboy a lesson on perspective by telling him that Socs have numerous issues. Cherry then tells Ponyboy, “Things are rough all over” (Hinton, 31). Overall, Cherry Valance humanizes the members of the Soc gang and helps Ponyboy view them in a different light.

What does soda say about Darry’s feelings towards Ponyboy?

In the letter, Sodapop says that Darry is sorry for hitting Ponyboy. He also says that he can’t believe Johnny could kill someone and that the police came by to question Sodapop and Darry, but they don’t know where Ponyboy is hiding. Dally won’t tell them where Ponyboy is hiding, which is really upsetting Darry.

What beverage was Ponyboy craving?

Outsiders Chapter 4-5

Question Answer
What beverage was Ponyboy craving? Pepsi
Who was the Greaser’s spy? Cherry Valance
How old is Darry? 20 years old
Who is the 2nd youngest member of the greasers? Johnny

What does soda explain about Ponyboy and Darry?

Soda is the loving older brother. Ponyboy feels that he loves Soda more than Darry, because Soda is different from other people. He thinks that Darry treats him like a child. At only twenty years old, Darry acts older than he is.

What does Ponyboy and Darry have in common?

Ponyboy and Darry share many similarities throughout the novel. Unlike the majority of the Greasers, both Pony and Darry are intelligent, good-looking, and athletic. Pony and Darry do not enjoy being Greasers and cherish their friendships more than they do their unfavorable reputations.

Is Sodapop older than Ponyboy?

Darry and Sodapop Curtis are Ponyboy’s older brothers who, along with being greasers, are adjusting to life on their own. Darry has taken over the responsibility of guardianship, forfeiting college and working to enable the three of them to stay together.

Why is Sodapop important to Ponyboy and Darry?

Ponyboy feels considerable guilt because he feels like it is his fault that Soda has to work to keep Pony in school. Soda is also the family mediator, and helps Darry and Ponyboy negotiate their relationship. As the only person that can tease Darry and get away with it, Darry usually backs off when Soda defends Pony.

What did Ponyboy say to soda in the Outsiders?

Darry goes to make Ponyboy some mushroom soup, leaving the two younger brothers together. Ponyboy asks Soda what he said while he was delirious, and Soda responds that mostly he thought he was in Windrixville, and that he wouldn’t eat anything because he kept saying he didn’t like baloney.

What makes Sodapop likeable in the Outsiders?

Ponyboy even goes as far as to say that he loves Soda more than he loves any other person in his life. Sodapop has numerous qualities that make him likeable and help him cope with some of the more difficult aspects of life on the East Side of town.

Why did Ponyboy and Darry have an argument?

Later that night, Darry and Ponyboy begin arguing over Pony’s failing grades. Pony mentions that this is their fourth argument of the week, and Darry tells Ponyboy that he has been living in a vacuum. In the middle of their argument, Pony looks at his brother and mentions that Soda has a pained expression on his face. Soda then says, “Don’t…