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How do I get my child support interest waived?

How do I get my child support interest waived?

For the Department of Revenue to agree to waive the interest, the other parent must agree to it and there must be no money owed to the state. If the other parent is agreeable, get started by contacting your attorney and getting the proper forms filled out. Contact us today for a free no obligation consultation.

How far behind in child support before a warrant is issued?

A prior order authorizes a bench warrant if you failed to pay two weeks of support (or lump sum).

Do you have to pay interest on child support?

Many parents who owe child support miss payments and accrue some amount of debt or arrearage. States have the authority to charge interest on unpaid support at the rate set by state statute. The interest is generally determined in the same way as other civil judgments.

How much interest accrues on child support arrears?

Interest on Child Support Arrears State Interest on Arrears Summary Statute Illinois Yes 9% per annum. Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 735, § 5/12-109 (a) Indiana No Iowa Yes 10% interest Iowa Code § 252C.6 Interest accrues on s Kansas No

When does your obligation to pay child support end?

Your obligation to pay child support terminates when your child reaches the age of 18. Your obligation to pay child support may only be terminated prior to 18 if your parental rights are completely terminated or if your child is deemed an emancipated minor.

How long does it take to pay off child support arrears?

Child support arrears can build up quickly and take months or years to eliminate. Child support debt does not disappear when the original support obligation terminates. So even though your son is an adult with his own family to support, you still owe money for the support you were obligated to pay when your son was a minor child.