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What does orange diamond special buoy indicate?
Boats Keep Out: A white buoy or sign with an orange diamond and cross means that boats must keep out of the area. Black lettering on the buoy or sign gives the reason for the restriction, for example, SWIM AREA. Danger: A white buoy or sign with an orange diamond warns boaters of danger – rocks, dams, rapids, etc.
What does an orange marker mean?
Orange indicates communications. This could include cable TV, phone systems, alarm wiring, fiber optics, or conduits intended to carry signals rather than power.
What does this non lateral marker indicate quizlet?
Controlled Area (non-lateral marker) Circles indicate a controlled area such as “no wake”, “idle speed”, speed limit, or ski zone. Exclusion Area. Crossed diamonds indicate areas off-limits to all boats such as swimming areas, dams, and spillways.
What is a non lateral marker indicate?
Non-lateral markers are navigation aids that give information other than the edges of safe water areas. The most common are regulatory markers that are white and use orange markings and black lettering. They are found on lakes and rivers. Other markers use vertical or horizontal stripes.
What are orange utility markings?
As a quick refresh, the APWA color code for utility marking is: Red: electric power lines, cables, conduit and lighting cables. Orange: telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduit. Yellow: natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum or other flammable.
What does the orange square non-lateral marker indicate quizlet?
What does this orange square non-lateral marker indicate? Information – displays information such as locality, marina, campsite, etc.
What does non-lateral marker indicate?
Non-lateral markers are navigation aids that give information other than the edges of safe water areas. The most common are regulatory markers that are white and use orange markings and black lettering. They are found on lakes and rivers.
What is a non lateral marker?
Non-lateral markers are navigation aids that give information other than the edges of safe water areas. The most common are regulatory markers that are white and use orange markings and black lettering.
What do lateral markers indicate?
Lateral markers are buoys and other markers that indicate the edges of safe water areas.
What does a white buoy with orange diamond mean?
Boats Keep Out: A white buoy or sign with an orange diamond and cross means that boats must keep out of the area. Black lettering on the buoy or sign gives the reason for the restriction, for example, SWIM AREA. Danger: A white buoy or sign with an orange diamond warns boaters of danger – rocks, dams, rapids, etc.