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What is amalgam overhang?

What is amalgam overhang?

An amalgam overhang is defined as an extension of amalgam restorative material beyond the confines of a cavity preparation. The pseudo pathology term “idiopathic subgingival amalgam hypertrophy” is used in the title for shock effect and as a scare tactic to catch the attention of our readers.

Why do we overfill amalgam?

Place additional increments of amalgam and continue condensing pulpally, laterally and against the matrix band, removing any excess mercury that comes to the surface. It is important to overfill the cavity with a generous amount of amalgam, so that the proper occlusal anatomy can be attained during carving.

What is overhang restoration?

Overhanging dental restorations (ODR) are a major dental health problem. An ODR is defined as an extension of restorative material beyond the confines of a cavity preparation. They have been strongly implicated as an etiologic factor in the progression of periodontal disease and are alarmingly prevalent.

What is microleakage in amalgam?

Abstract. Microleakage is a problem of all fresh amalgam restorations and is clinically undetectable. Because microleakage may be responsible for pulp irritation, pulp inflammation, necrosis, and recurrent caries, it is essential to prevent and control it.

What does overhang mean in dentistry?

(ō’vĕr-hang), 1. An excess of dental filling material beyond the cavity margin or normal tooth contour.

Do you etch before amalgam?

Etching prior to application of the primers is significantly more effective than nonetching, however the effectiveness of the primer alone to seal the dentin needs to be evaluated. Overall, Amalgam-bond AA had the least microleakage of all the groups.

What will happen if amalgam is polished right after carving?

Finishing and polishing amalgam restorations result in a smooth, lustrous finish of surfaces and margins. Plaque and debris collection are reduced, and the restoration is easier to clean. Prevention of amalgam deterioration.

What happens if a tooth is restored and it has an overhanging restoration?

Overhanging restorations may increase plaque accumulation and cause gingival inflammation, periodontal tissue damage, and also particularly decrease in alveolar bone height. 17, 21, 22 Also, overhanging restorations are one of the reasons for secondary caries that can cause infection in the pulp.

What is delayed expansion in amalgam?

Expansion that occurs after 1 to 7 days due to moisture contamination during trituration or condensation before the amalgam mass is set, is termed Secondary expansion or Delayed expansion.

What is mercury toxicity in dentistry?

The main exposure to mercury from dental amalgam occurs during placement or removal of restoration in the tooth. Once the reaction is complete less amount of mercury is released, and that is far below the current health standard.

What are the causes of the amalgam overhang?

The amalgam overhang dilemma: a review of causes and effects, prevention, and removal Overhanging margins of restorations are common, and much iatrogenic periodontal disease is caused by plaque stagnation associated with overhangs.

Which is the best definition of an amalgam?

Amalgam Definition. Amalgams may occur naturally (e.g., arquerite, a natural amalgam of mercury and silver) or may be synthesized. Key uses of amalgams are in dentistry, gold extraction, and chemistry. Amalgamation (the formation of an amalgam) is usually an exothermic process that results in hexagonal or other structural forms.

How did the amalgam of mercury get its name?

Amalgamation (the formation of an amalgam) is usually an exothermic process that results in hexagonal or other structural forms. Because the word “amalgam” already indicates the presence of mercury, amalgams are generally named according to the other metals in the alloy.

How is idiopathic subgingival amalgam hypertrophy used in pseudo pathology?

The pseudo pathology term “idiopathic subgingival amalgam hypertrophy” is used in the title for shock effect and as a scare tactic to catch the attention of our readers. From various studies, it is apparent that such overhangs are alarmingly common.