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What is a healthy weight for a 4 11 boy?

What is a healthy weight for a 4 11 boy?

What is a healthy weight for a 4 11 Boy?

Male Female
4′ 10″ 85 – 103 lbs. 81 – 99 lbs.
4′ 11″ 90 – 110 lbs. 86 – 105 lbs.
5′ 0″ 95 – 117 lbs. 90 – 110 lbs.
5′ 1″ 101 – 123 lbs. 95 – 116 lbs.

Can a 15 year old be 90 pounds?

Usually by the time a girl is 15 years old and a boy is 16 or 17 they have reached their adult height. A healthy weight for your teenager depends on his height and when his growth spurt occurs. Fifteen-year-old boys usually weigh between 94 and 174 pounds, while 15-year-old girls weigh between 90 and 168 pounds.

What is considered underweight for a 15 year old male?

A result between 18.5 and 24.9 means you’re in the “normal” weight range for your height. If your result is under 18.5, you’re considered underweight.

What is considered obese for a 15 year old?

Calculating overweight and obesity in children and adolescents

Overweight cut-off BMI greater than or equal to: Obese cut-off BMI greater than or equal to:
14 22.62 27.63
14.5 22.96 27.98
15 23.29 28.30
15.5 23.60 28.60

What is considered overweight for a 15 year old?

Calculating overweight and obesity in children and adolescents

Overweight cut-off BMI greater than or equal to: Obese cut-off BMI greater than or equal to:
15 23.29 28.30
15.5 23.60 28.60
16 23.90 28.88
16.5 24.19 29.14

What is the normal weight for a 15 year old?

Main Digest

Babies to Teens Height to Weight Ratio Table
13 yrs 100.0 lb (45.3 kg) 61.5″ (156.2 cm)
14 yrs 112.0 lb (50.8 kg) 64.5″ (163.8 cm)
15 yrs 123.5 lb (56.0 kg) 67.0″ (170.1 cm)
16 yrs 134.0 lb (60.8 kg) 68.3″ (173.4 cm)

What should my body mass index be if I am underweight?

If your BMI is less that 18.5 it is a strong indicator that you are underweight. To put on weight the only healthy method is to increase calorie intake and exercise more. A low body weight indicated a lack of healthy muscle tissue.

How tall should I be if I’m overweight?

Height Weight Normal: Overweight: Obese: 4′ 10″ 91 to 118 lbs. 119 to 142 lbs. 143 to 186 lbs. 4′ 11″ 94 to 123 lbs. 124 to 147 lbs. 148 to 193 lbs. 5′ 97 to 127 lbs.

How to calculate healthy weight for children and adults?

The following is the healthy weight or the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator that can be used by children and adults. You just need to put the proper figures in the weight and height column, click on the ‘Calculate’ button, and you will get the result. Obesity in children is also a serious issue these days and needs to be curbed in time.

What should my BMI be if I want to lose weight?

Use the tool on this page to calculate your BMI. Having a BMI higher than 24.9 may mean you are overweight. Note that these are approximate values, and they are intended to be used only as a rough guide. If you are worried about your BMI or are trying to lose weight, talk to your primary care doctor.