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How do you calculate the annual rainfall?

How do you calculate the annual rainfall?

(i) Annual rainfall = Sum of rainfall in all twelve months. Therefore, annual rainfall is 129.2 cm. The total annual rainfall = Sum of rainfall in all twelve months.

What are the methods used for determining the missing rainfall data?

The most common method used to estimate missing rainfall data is Normal Ratio method (Chow et al, 1988). This method is based only on past observations of that rain gauge and surrounding gauges.

What is the annual rainfall in Pakistan?

Precipitation in Pakistan averaged 25.03 mm from 1901 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 170.66 mm in August of 1916 and a record low of 0.15 mm in December of 2014. This page includes a chart with historical data for Pakistan Average Precipitation.

What is the best method for the determination of average annual precipitation?

For determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method is isohyted method.

How do you calculate annual rainfall from monthly rainfall?

Add together all of the monthly rainfall totals in your sample data. You’ll be adding measurements in inches because rainfall is generally measured in inches in the United States. Divide by the number of years in your data set to arrive at the average monthly rainfall for any location.

When normal annual rainfall ratio method is used for calculation of mean precipitation?

Normal Ratio Method If the normal annual precipitation of the index stations lies within ±10% of normal annual precipitation of interpolation station then we apply arithmetic mean method to determine the missing precipitation record otherwise the normal ratio method is used for this purpose.

How do you estimate the missing precipitation record of any rain gauge station discuss various methods for it in brief?

The following methods are most commonly used for estimating the missing records.

  1. Simple Arithmetic Method.
  2. Normal Ratio Method.
  3. Modified normal ratio method.
  4. Inverse distance method.
  5. Linear programming method.

How many climatic regions are in Pakistan?

On the basis of temperature, Pakistan has been classified into five regions i.e. hot, warm, mild, cool, and cold.

Which of the following method is most accurate for calculating average rainfall?

The Isohyetal Method is considered as the most accurate method to calculate the average depth of rainfall over a catchment area.

Which is the simplest method for estimating average rainfall for given catchment area?

1Arithmetic Average Method: This is the simplest method of computing the average rainfall over a basin. As the name suggests, the result is obtained by the division of the sum of rain depths recorded at different rain gauge stations of the basin by the number of the stations.

How do you calculate annual average?

Divide the total of the quantities by the number of years used in the average. Conclude that the yearly average for this example is $1,500 since $7,500 divided by the number of years, 5, is $1,500.

How do we calculate the average annual rainfall?

Annual rainfall is the sum of daily rainfall, that can be calculated from raingauge records. Here, while calculating average annual rainfall one must take the length of period into account. One cannot simply average the 10 years of data to state the average rainfall. It has to be 30-35 years.

How to calculate rainwater collection in central Texas?

Rainwater Catchment Calculator. 1 Enter Your Roof Area *. 2 Enter the Total Annual Rainfall For Your Area *. Look up your area’s average annual rainfall totals here. For central Texas, the average annual 3 Total Rainwater Collection Potential (gallons):

How to calculate the amount of rainwater collected from your roof?

If you want to look at collecting from different areas of your roof, you can always hit the “Clear Area” button to start over. Roof Area (ft2) X Precipitation Amount (in) X 0.623 = Amount Collected (gallons) An online drip calculator that calculates the amount of waste from your leaky faucets.

How is precipitation measured in a catchment area?

Estimation of Areal Precipitation. A single point precipitation measurement is quite often not representative of the volume of precipitation falling over a given catchment area. A dense network of point measurements and/or radar estimates can provide a better representation of the true volume over a given area.