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What are the effect of examination malpractice on students?

What are the effect of examination malpractice on students?

Other effects of examination malpractice includes discouragement of students from hard work, low productivity and poor job performances, bribery, corruption, and certificate racketeering. Examination malpractice with its disadvantages is affecting all the facets of the society negatively.

What are effects of examination malpractice?

The study revealed that examination malpractices brings total loss of trust in the educational system, reduced enrolment of students in school, frequent cancellation of results, discourages good students/candidates from studying hard, derives innocent students’ opportunity for admission, decrease job efficiency, bring …

What are the evil effect of examination malpractice?

The first evil effect of examination malpractice on the individual is that it kills the conscience of the person involved in it. This dishonest practice will eventually spread to all extent areas of his life.

What is examination malpractice in education?

Examination malpractice is defined as a deliberate wrong doing contrary to official examination rules designed to place a candidate at unfair advantage or disadvantage.

What are the cause of examination malpractice?

From the analysis above, it is apparent that the major causes of examination malpractice are: misplaced priority for certificate acquisition against knowledge and skill acquisition due to the certificate syndrome in the society, Lack of preparation and inadequate preparation by students.

What is examination malpractice?

Examination malpractice is defined as any deliberate act of wrong doing, contrary to the rules of examinations designed to give a candidate an undue advantage. Examination malpractice also known as cheating is the illegal action that students take during their examinations to try to make good grades by cutting corners.

Why do students practice examination malpractice?

What are the examples of examination malpractice?

Ayanniyi & Anya (2017) identified forms of examination malpractices to include tattoo, token, contract, expo, computo, impersonation, question paper leakage, aiding of students by lecturers, collusion among students, use of unauthorized materials in the examination hall, giraffe or extending of neck to copy from others …

What are the effects of examination malpractice on students?

Examination malpractice increases lack of confidence among students. Students who would have ordinarily passed an examination feel disappointed and loss of confidence when less intelligent ones perform better than then through fcheating, thus leading to loss of confidence in themselves and in the examination and the system at large.

Which is the best definition of examination malpractice?

Examination malpractice is defined as any deliberate act of wrong doing, contrary to the rules of examinations designed to give a candidate an undue advantage. Examination malpractice also known as cheating is the illegal action that students take during their examinations to try to make good grades by cutting corners.

When to review the rigidity and timing of examinations?

The rigidity and timing of examinations should be reviewed in a such a way that when a student complained genuinely that he cannot write an examination another time suitable should be organized for him, this will eliminate the phobia of failure which may result in malpractice. Thank you for listening ff

What is the definition of makers malpractice?

– Makers Malpractice: Deliberate alteration of marks designed to inflate or deflate a candidate’s original mark. This can be initiated by examination officials, by candidates (making contract with the makers) or making contracts with the candidates.