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Which body part helps fishes to use oxygen which is dissolved in water?

Which body part helps fishes to use oxygen which is dissolved in water?

Gills are the respiratory organs of fish or any other aquatic animal. These are tissues that are supplied with blood vessels that allow the animal to breathe under water by extracting oxygen from the water and excrete carbon dioxide.

What is respiratory organ of fish?

The respiratory organ of fish is the gill. In addition to respiration, the gills also perform functions of acid-base regulation, osmoregulation, and excretion of nitrogenous compounds.

Which structure helps fish remove oxygen from the surrounding water fins gills scales swim bladder?

Located on either side of a fish’s head, gills remove oxygen from the water and diffuse carbon dioxide from the body. The gills are covered by a flexible bony plate called the operculum. Some fish have spines located on the operculum as a defense mechanism to protect them from predators.

What is dissolved oxygen in water?

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen that is present in water. Water bodies receive oxygen from the atmosphere and from aquatic plants. Running water, such as that of a swift moving stream, dissolves more oxygen than the still water of a pond or lake.

Which part of the fish protects the gills?

An operculum (gill cover) is a flexible bony plate that protects the sensitive gills. Water is “inhaled” through the mouth, passes over the gills and is “exhaled” from beneath the operculum.

Which part of the body of a fish helps it to change direction?

Detailed Solution. Fins and tail (also known as the caudal fin) are the locomotive organs in fishes as their movement helps the fishes to move, maintain balance and change directions underwater.

How does dissolved oxygen affect fish?

When dissolved oxygen becomes too low, fish and other aquatic organisms cannot survive. The colder water is, the more oxygen it can hold. As the water becomes warmer, less oxygen can be dissolved in the water.

Why do fish need dissolved oxygen?

Dissolved oxygen is important to many forms of aquatic life. Fish and crustaceans obtain oxygen for respiration through their gills, while plant life and phytoplankton require dissolved oxygen for respiration when there is no light for photosynthesis 4.

Where does the fish get its oxygen from?

A fish’s gills absorb oxygen from the water. Carbon dioxide passes out into the water through the gills as waste. The water then flows out of the gills.

How are fish able to breathe in water?

Fish take in oxygen-rich water through their mouths and pump it over their gills. As water passes over the gill filaments, blood inside the capillary network picks up the dissolved oxygen. The circulatory system then transports the oxygen to all body tissues and ultimately to the cells.

Where does the respiration take place in a fish?

Although gills in fish occupy only a small section of their body, the immense respiratory surface created by the filaments provides the whole organism with an efficient gas exchange. Fish take in oxygen-rich water through their mouths and pump it over their gills.

How does the heart and gills of a fish work?

The fish’s heart pumps the blood to distribute the oxygen throughout the body. At the same time, waste carbon dioxide in the blood passes out through the gills into the water. Water, containing dissolved oxygen, enters the fish’s open mouth.