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What are the strategies of terrorist organization?

What are the strategies of terrorist organization?

Terrorists employ five primary strategies of costly signaling: attrition, intimidation, provocation, spoiling, and outbidding. The main targets of persuasion are the enemy and the population that the terrorists hope to represent or control.

What are the three key elements in the definition of terrorism quizlet?

The key elements of terrorism are obvious to many – violence, civilian targets, political aims, and the intention to spread fear. Was this considered an an act of terrorism?

What are the two most common types of organizational structures used by terrorist groups CBT?

Terms in this set (25)

  • two typical organizational structures used by terrorist groups. hierarchical and networked.
  • Hierarchical Structure.
  • Networked Structure.
  • Basic Types of Networks.
  • Chain.
  • Hub or Spoke and Wheel.
  • All-Channel.
  • Lone Terrorist.

What are some objectives of terrorism quizlet?

What is the objective of terrorism? Terrorism is meant to intimidate or cause fear for political or social ends.

What is the purpose of terrorism quizlet?

Is an act of violence, is done to create fear between the people, works toward a political goal or motive, and targets non-combatants. Also, terrorism is a dramatization of the most forbidden violence.

What are two types of terrorism?


  • Civil disorder – A form of collective violence interfering with the peace, security, and normal functioning of the community.
  • Political terrorism – Violent criminal behaviour designed primarily to generate fear in the community, or substantial segment of it, for political purposes.

What is elicitation in terrorism?

Elicitation/ Seeking Information This includes anyone attempting to gain information about a place, person or operation. Elicitation attempts can be made by mail, fax, telephone, or in person.

What organizational structure s do the terrorist follow?

Terrorist organizations are often characterized as cellular organizations composed of quasi-independent cells and distributed command.