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How long do you keep SF702?

How long do you keep SF702?

DCID 6/9 & M-1 Manual

What form do you use when securing a vault or safe? SF702 Security Container Check sheet
How long should you retain the SF 701/702? 90 days
Who is the accreditation authority for DOC SCIFs SSO DIA
Who is the sole accreditation auhtority for SCE SCIFS? NSA/CSS

What is purpose of SF 701 and SF 702?

SF 701, “Activity Security Checklist,” shall be used to record such checks. An integral part of the security check system shall be the securing of all vaults, secure rooms, and containers used for storing classified material. SF 702, “Security Container Check Sheet,” shall be used to record such actions.

What is SF 700 used for?

SECURITY CONTAINER INFORMATION. Maintain a record for each container, or vault or secure room door, used for storing classified information. SF 700 with all information blocks completed, shall be used for this purpose.

Which form is used to record the securing of vaults rooms and containers used for storing classified material?

SF 702 form
Examples of what to look for follows. For the SF 702 form ensure: a. It provides a record of the names and times that persons have opened, closed or checked a particular container (safe, vault or secure room) that holds classified information.

What is the cover sheet for secret documents?

The Secret Cover Sheet is a page that’s meant to cover the title page of a file. This page identifies the document type and department it belongs to. In most cases, it’s used in government departments, offices and agencies operating information that should have the highest level of protection.

How often receive a defensive foreign travel briefing?

When traveling abroad, Departmental personnel, including summer hires, those on temporary assignment, and contractors are required to receive an annual defensive travel briefing. Any individual returning from travel of 90 days or more must undergo a security debriefing upon their return to the U.S.

What is a GSA approved safe?

GSA-approved security containers are primarily used to store classified documents, components, materials, and small amounts of Risk Category II, III, and IV Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E). They are also used to secure funds, valuables, and weapons.

What cover sheet is used to protect secret documents?

Cover sheets are required with classified documents, (i.e., Form SF-703, Top Secret Cover Sheet; Form SF-704, Secret Cover Sheet; and Form SF-705, Confidential Cover Sheet). Form DS-1902, Access Control Sheet Top Secret Information, must be permanently affixed to all Top Secret material.

What is a SF 706?

The following are placed on various forms of U.S. Government property (i.e. CDs, diskettes, computers, etc.) to clearly identify the classification level of the information located in or on that property. SF-706 Top Secret Label. SF-707 Secret Label. SF-708 Confidential Label.

Where can I buy an SF 700?

Form: SF700 U.S. Government Departments, Agencies, and Offices can place an order for this form at or with either a government purchase card or AAC (Activity Address Code). The Stock Number is 7540-01-214-5372.

What can cause serious damage to national security?

Examples of serious damage include disruption of foreign relations significantly affecting the national security, significant impairment of a program or policy directly related to the national security, and revelation of significant military plans or intelligence operations.

What is the purpose of SF 701 security checklist?

SF 701, “Activity Security Checklist,” shall be used to record such checks. An integral part of the security check system shall be the securing of all vaults, secure rooms, and containers used for storing classified material.

When to use SF 702, security container check sheet?

SF 702, “Security Container Check Sheet,” must be used to record each opening, closing, and verification checks of these storage mediums. Area verification checks will be recorded on the SF 701 upon completion of end-of-day checks.

What do you need to know about the SF 702?

The Standard Form (SF) 702 Security Container Check Sheet provides a record of the names and times that persons have opened, closed and checked a particular container that holds classified information. Click here to view a SF 702 (and print if necessary).