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Which word best describes the tone of the paragraph?

Which word best describes the tone of the paragraph?

Which term best describes the tone of the paragraph? The term best describes the tone of the paragraph is formal.

What is the tone in this passage?

The tone of a passage is the writer’s attitude or feeling about the subject that he or she is presenting. Tone does not reflect the reader’s attitude toward the subject, nor does it involve the attitude expressed by characters, besides the author, in the passage.

What is the mood of the passage answer?

The mood is the atmosphere of the story, and the tone is the author’s attitude towards the topic. We can identify both by looking at the setting, characters, details, and word choices. By doing so, it will help us find meaning in the story or passage and help us feel more connected to the writing.

What was Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote?

“A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” “Do one thing every day that scares you.” “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

Which word best describes the tone of the sentence so many of you helped make this event possible by sitting around criticizing?

It helps to convey a delirious tone as Chandler becomes caught up in the role he is playing.

Which is the best definition of the word tone?

The word tone often refers to sound, as in music, or the feeling conveyed by the way someone speaks: “His tone of voice told me I was in trouble.” It can also be used to describe the atmosphere of a place — its flavor or spirit — or the shades of meaning in a work that might reveal the larger intentions of an author.

What are some words for tone?

155 Words to Describe Author’s Tone

Tone Meaning
Admiring approving; think highly of; respectful; praising
Aggressive hostile; determined; forceful; argumentative
Aggrieved indignant; annoyed; offended; disgruntled
Ambivalent having mixed feelings; uncertain; in a dilemma; undecided

What is the tone of mother to son?

The mother’s determination to provide her son with encouragement and teach him about life creates an instructional tone. Tone is defined as the attitude of the author about a subject, as seen in the perspective and language used to explore that subject in the writing.

Tone refers to an author’s use of words and writing style to convey his or her attitude towards a topic. What the author feels about the subject is often defined as the tone.

How to describe the tone of a story?

(Click here for examples of tone in a story.) Tone is conveyed through diction (choice and use of words and phrases), viewpoint, syntax (grammar; how you put words and phrases together), and level of formality. It is the way you express yourself in speech or writing.

How is the tone of a sentence conveyed?

Tone is conveyed through diction (choice and use of words and phrases), viewpoint, syntax (grammar; how you put words and phrases together), and level of formality. It is the way you express yourself in speech or writing. How do you find the correct tone? You can usually find a tone by asking these three questions: