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How would a food surplus best benefit a civilization economy?

How would a food surplus best benefit a civilization economy?

Surplus food leads to job specialization because not every one needs to be farming. THis leads to some people being able to take up other things, such as metal work. THis leads to civilizations because specialized jobs could involve things to build a society, like government.

How did the development of food surplus impact the lives of early humans?

How did the development of a food surplus impact the lives of many early humans? Having surplus food affected the size of families. The hunting-gathering life did not allow the parents to have a lot of children. Now, food surpluses would feed way more people and you would be able to have more children.

What is the role of food in the development of civilization?

Food is the most essential requirement for sustenance of human life. From the earliest cavemen who survived on hunting to the more advanced civilizations which used agriculture, food transformed human life by giving it structure. It paved way to the path of the modern civilization we know.

Why is a surplus of food important to advancement?

Surplus food enables community organisations to support and maintain communities and the people within them in ways that are sensitive to the needs of those communities.

How did a surplus of food help create new jobs in society?

Food surpluses affect people and populations because if you have a food surplus, you can have more children. You could also focus on other jobs. What resources were necessary for villages to grow into cities. Heating, glass, iron, people, stores, roads, were all necessary resources for villages to grow.

What does a food surplus lead to?

People who produced their own food could have a steady supply of food year- round because the surplus food could be stored. This meant that they no longer had to travel from place to place. Having surplus food also allowed more people to be fed, so the population of the world began to grow rapidly.

How did surplus and specialization lead to trade?

Why did surpluses lead to the growth of trade? As farmers began producing surplus everyone did not have to farm because there was more than what they needed to survive. This lead to specialization, which led to trade.

Why is surplus important to a civilization?

How did food surpluses help early civilizations develop?

Successful farming practices helped Mesopotamia grow because people were able to settle and not live a nomadic lifestyle. Food surpluses made it possible for people to work on other things, such as art and music. Why are food surpluses necessary for civilization to develop?

Are there any other societies with food surpluses?

Many other societies had or have food surpluses without hierarchical government or strong militaries. Many tribal societies have surplus food and largely informal modes of government, ruled by direct democracy, consensus, or councils of elders. Many societies today, in fact most small nations, have plentiful food and a small or no military.

How did the introduction of agriculture affect early civilizations?

The growing of crops on a regular basis allowed early humans to settle into the first permanent villages and to create food surpluses. How did the introduction of agriculture affect early people?

How did extra food lead to a strong central government?

The argument that extra food leads to a strong central government was true only in some cases, like the Fertile Crescent. That kind of development took several thousand years. Mesopotamia was originally ruled by councils of the town’s males, and farming was done communally.