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How much of the radiation received from the sun does the earth reflect in about half II about one fourth III all of it iv about three fourth?

How much of the radiation received from the sun does the earth reflect in about half II about one fourth III all of it iv about three fourth?

Explanation: In total approximately 70% of incoming radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface while around 30% is reflected back to space and does not heat the surface.

What is the process by which the sun’s radiation reflected from the earth surface is trapped by some gases?

The Earth absorbs most of the energy reaching its surface, a small fraction is reflected. Part of this longwave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases which then radiate energy into all directions, including downwards and thereby trapping heat in the atmosphere.

What can happen to solar radiation when it enters Earth’s atmosphere?

When it reaches the Earth, some is reflected back to space by clouds, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, and some is absorbed at the Earth’s surface. We can indirectly see this energy radiate into the atmosphere as heat, rising from a hot road, creating shimmers on hot sunny days.

How much of the radiation received from the sun does Earth reflect?

Thus, about 71 percent of the total incoming solar energy is absorbed by the Earth system. Of the 340 watts per square meter of solar energy that falls on the Earth, 29% is reflected back into space, primarily by clouds, but also by other bright surfaces and the atmosphere itself.

How much of the radiation received from the sun?

About 40 per cent of the solar radiation received at the earth’s surface on clear days is visible radiation within the spectral range 0.4 to 0.7 μm, while 51 per cent is infrared radiation in the spectral region 0.7 to 4 μm. The total radiation emitted by the sun in unit time remains practically constant.

How does the amount of radiation emitted by Earth differ from that emitted by the sun?

How does the amount of radiation emitted by the earth differ from that emitted by the sun? The earth emits most of its radiation at a longer wavellenghts between about 5 and 25 um, while the sun emits the majority of its radiation at wavelenghts less than 2um.

What percentage of the total incoming radiation to the Earth reaches the ground?

About 23 percent of incoming solar energy is absorbed in the atmosphere by water vapor, dust, and ozone, and 48 percent passes through the atmosphere and is absorbed by the surface. Thus, about 71 percent of the total incoming solar energy is absorbed by the Earth system.

Why does the albedo of the Earth and its atmosphere average about 30 percent?

The sun emits a maximum amount of radiation at wavelenghts near 0.5 um. Average for an entire year, the earth and itsatmospher (including its clouds) will redirect about 30% of the sun’s incoming radiation back to space, which gives the earth and its atmosphere a combined albedo of 30%.

How much solar radiation reaches the Earth?

The incoming solar radiation is known as insolation. The amount of solar energy reaching the Earth is 70 percent. The surface of the Earth absorbs 51 percent of the insolation. Water vapor and dust account for 16 percent of the energy absorbed.

How much energy does Earth receive from the sun?

A total of 173,000 terawatts (trillions of watts) of solar energy strikes the Earth continuously. That’s more than 10,000 times the world’s total energy use. And that energy is completely renewable — at least, for the lifetime of the sun.

What percentage of the sun’s energy that reaches Earth’s surface is reflected by clouds back into space?

About 29 percent of the solar energy that arrives at the top of the atmosphere is reflected back to space by clouds, atmospheric particles, or bright ground surfaces like sea ice and snow.

How much energy does the Earth receive from the sun?

The Earth’s climate is a solar powered system. Globally, over the course of the year, the Earth system—land surfaces, oceans, and atmosphere—absorbs an average of about 240 watts of solar power per square meter (one watt is one joule of energy every second).

How much solar energy is reflected back to the Earth?

Roughly 30 percent of the total solar energy that strikes the Earth is reflected back into space by clouds, atmospheric aerosols, snow, ice, desert sand, rooftops, and even ocean surf.

How much of the solar radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere?

In other words, about 30 percent of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space and 70 percent is absorbed. A sensor aboard NASA’s Terra satellite is now collecting detailed measurements of how much sunlight the earth’s surface reflects back up into the atmosphere.

Which is part of the Earth reflects more radiation?

Desert areas, such as the Sahara in Northern Africa, also reflect a great deal of radiation. Forested areas or areas with dark soil absorb more radiation and have lower albedos. Human and natural processes have changed the albedo of earth’s land surfaces.

What kind of radiation is emitted from the Sun?

Less than 1 percent of solar radiation is emitted as x-rays, gamma waves, and radio waves. The transfer of energy from the sun across nearly empty space (remember that space is a vacuum) is accomplished primarily by radiation. Radiation is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic wave motion.