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What region did the Shoshone tribe live in?

What region did the Shoshone tribe live in?

Shoshone, also spelled Shoshoni; also called Snake, North American Indian group that occupied the territory from what is now southeastern California across central and eastern Nevada and northwestern Utah into southern Idaho and western Wyoming.

Where did the Western Shoshone tribe live?

Western Shoshone Indians are the descendants of an ancient widespread people whose name is “Newe” meaning “The People.” The traditional Western Shoshone territory covered southern Idaho, the central part of Nevada, portions of northwestern Utah, and the Death Valley region of southern California.

What did the Shoshone live in?

The Eastern and Northern Shoshones lived in the tall, cone-shaped buffalo-hide houses known as tipis (or teepees). Since the Shoshone tribe moved frequently as they gathered food, a tipi had to be carefully designed to set up and break down quickly, like a modern tent.

Where were the Shoshone reservations located?

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes are located on the Fort Hall Reservation in Southeastern Idaho, between the cities of Pocatello, American Falls, and Blackfoot. The Reservation is divided into five districts: Fort Hall, Lincoln Creek, Ross Fork, Gibson, and Bannock Creek.

What climate did the Shoshone live in?

The Shoshone tribe of the Great Basin The Great Basin with its very hot summers, cold winters and very low levels of rainfall resulted in desolate and difficult living conditions in which the people had to work hard to survive due to limited resources. The Western Shoshone lived in desolate environments.

Where did the Goshutes live?

Although exact boundaries are hard to determine because of the nature of the land and the proximity of other peoples, the Goshutes lived in the area between the Oquirrh Mountains on the east and the Steptoe Mountains in eastern Nevada, and from the south end of the Great Salt Lake to an area almost parallel with the …

Where did the Shoshone Bannock tribe live?

southern Idaho
Bannock, North American Indian tribe that lived in what is now southern Idaho, especially along the Snake River and its tributaries, and joined with the Shoshone tribe in the second half of the 19th century.

When did the Shoshone tribe live in Utah?

When whites began encroaching on the area that is now Utah in the 1840s, three different groups of Northwestern Shoshones lived there. The misnamed Weber Utes lived in Weber Valley near present-day Ogden, Utah. The Pocatello Shoshones dwelt between the northern shore of the Great Salt Lake and the Bear River.

Where did the Shoshone tribe originally come from?

The Shoshone are a Native American tribe, who originated in the western Great Basin and spread north and east into present-day Idaho and Wyoming. By 1500, some Eastern Shoshone had crossed the Rocky Mountains into the Great Plains. After 1750, warfare and pressure from the Blackfoot, Crow, Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho pushed Eastern Shoshone south and westward.

What type of shelter did the Shoshone Tribe have?

Shelter. Eastern and Northern Shoshone lived in teepees. The teepees were portable and the whole village could be packed up in an hour. The Western Shoshone lived in wickiup houses, which were less portable. Today, the Shoshone live in houses and apartment buildings, and only put up teepees for fun.

Where did the Shoshone get their food?

What the Shoshone Indians ate greatly depended on their geographic area.The Northern and Eastern Shoshone bands adapted a nomadic lifestyle where their food source depended largely on wild game such as buffalo, sheep and antelope. Hunting buffalo became easier when the Shoshone acquired horses in the 17 th century.

Where did the shorshonie tribe live?

The Shoshone Indians were far-ranging people. Different bands of Shoshoni Indians lived in what is now Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and even parts of California . Most Shoshone people still live in these areas today.