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Why does plasticine float on water?

Why does plasticine float on water?

by the same amount of plasticine. The boat, however, pushes aside much more water. This extra water pushed aside means that the upthrust force is much greater on the plasticine (Archimedes’ principle), and it will float. It is air enclosed within the boat shape, therefore, that causes the boat to float.

How do you make clay float on water?

A solid chunk of clay, just like a chunk of steel, fiberglass, aluminum or cement, will sink in water. In order to make clay float, you have to shape it into something wide enough and roughly bowl-shaped so that it can displace enough water to compensate for its mass, just like a real boat.

Does playdoh sink or float?

If you rolled some modelling clay / play dough in the shape of a ball it would sink; but if you mold it into the shape of a boat it should float.

How do you make a sinking object float?

There are two possible ways to make that object float, however:

  1. Increase the density of the water so that the water becomes denser than the object.
  2. Increase the volume of the object so that the object becomes less dense than the water.

What shape floats best in water?

A flat bottom is best, with sides to keep out the water and a large surface area that touches the water. Boats with lots of surface area are very wide, with lots of space inside.

Does playdough float or sink?

Does clay sink or float in water?

Anything with more density than water will sink in water, but other objects that have less density than water will float. The reason the clay floats in water is because it has less density than water.

Can playdough float on water?

The answer is displacement. When the clay ball is placed in the water, it displaces (or pushes aside) the water. If the clay can displace a volume of water that equals (or is greater) than the weight of the clay, then it will be buoyant and float.

Does playdough sink in water?

How can you make plasticine float without sinking?

Try making your plasticine into a hollow ball – flatten it, then fold it over and seal the edges so that it traps a large bubble of air. That should float without actually being bowl shaped. It has the advantage over the bowl that if you force both shapes underwater, the bowl will sink, but the “bubble” shape will come back up.

What makes an object float or sink in water?

I know that a object will float if the objects density is less than the density of the water it displaces. There is an experiment with plasticine where if you roll it up into a ball, the plasticine sinks. If you flatten the plasticine it sinks. But if you flatten the plasticine and make it into a bowl shape, the plasticine floats.

Why does a bowl of plasticine not sink?

When you form a bowl out of the plasticine, you preserve the mass but increase the volume (because you have to count the air inside the bowl too), and the mass of air is far less then the mass of water. That’s the same reason why ships don’t sink even if they are made of steel and weight hundreds of tons. Another question.

What happens if you roll plasticine into a ball?

There is an experiment with plasticine where if you roll it up into a ball, the plasticine sinks. If you flatten the plasticine it sinks. But if you flatten the plasticine and make it into a bowl shape, the plasticine floats.