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What are the advantages of Z track IM injection?

What are the advantages of Z track IM injection?

Purpose of Z-Track Injection The Z-track method is not often recommended, but can be particularly useful with medication that must be absorbed by muscle to work. It also helps to prevent medication from seeping into the subcutaneous tissue and ensures a full dosage.

What are the advantages of injectable drugs?


  • Can be used for drugs that are poorly absorbed, inactive or ineffective if given orally.
  • The IV route provides immediate onset of action.
  • The intramuscular and subcutaneous routes can be used to achieve slow or delayed onset of action.
  • Patient concordance problems can be avoided.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of IM administration?

Disadvantages of intramuscular route of drug administration Intermuscular injection into fascia might lead to erratic absorption of the drug. 2. There is a possibility of improper deposition of drug preparation in nerves, fats, blood vessels, or between muscle bundles in connective sheaths. 3.

What are the advantages of injections?

This helps decrease excess fluid and eliminate the production of pain-causing chemicals that stem from inflammation. Facet joint injections and other types of joint injections are common anti-inflammatory treatments, but epidural injections also help reduce swelling.

What is the Z-track method What is the benefit of using this method?

THE Z-TRACK METHOD of I.M. injection prevents leakage of irritating and discoloring medications (such as iron dextran) into the subcutaneous tissue. It also may be used in elderly patients who have decreased muscle mass. Lateral displacement of the skin during the injection helps seal the drug in the muscle.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of injections?

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Injection Moulding?

  • Injection moulding is one of the most commonly used methods of producing identical plastic products in high volumes.
  • 1) Fast production and highly efficient.
  • 2) Low labour costs.
  • 3) Design flexibility.
  • 4) High-output production.
  • 5) Large material choice.

What is the advantages of intravenous injection?

Advantages of IV drug administration include its short latent period of about 20 to 25 seconds (permitting drugs to be titrated) and the ability to rapidly enhance the action of a drug, if necessary.

What is an advantage of the IV route of administration?

An advantage of IV administration is the ability to rapidly titrate the dosage to achieve the desired depth of sedation. Depending on patient need, sedation can vary from light to profound and nearly all patients can be adequately sedated with this method.

Why are drugs given intramuscularly?

An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly.

How do IM shots work?

During the procedure, skin and tissue are pulled and held firmly while a long needle is inserted into the muscle. After the medication is injected, the skin and tissue are released. When you insert a needle into the tissues, it leaves a very small hole, or track.

How many mL can be given IM?

Overall, 5 mL has been cited for adults as the maximum volume for a single IM injection, with lower maximums proposed for adult patients with less-developed or small muscle mass. Once administered exclusively by physicians, IM injections became a primary-nurse responsibility during the 1960s.

Which is better to use IM or e-mail?

For this reason, e-mail is usually reserved for messages that fall within a certain window of time sensitivity. If you need an answer by the end of the day, e-mail works fine. But if you need an answer right now, you either need to pick up the phone or try IM. The chief advantage of IM is immediacy.

Why do people use IMS during work time?

People in workplaces may use the IMs during work time to chat with friends and waste time or even bring the possible virus from outside. There are also some security risks like the content of the instant message may be intercepted. As a result the sensitive data like customer list, sales report may be revealed on the internet.

What are the benefits of instant messaging programs?

Instant messaging programs provide the ability to communicate quickly and easily with clients, employees and vendors without picking up the phone or leaving your computer. These programs offer a number of benefits over other forms of communication, but they also have their disadvantages.

When to use IM when on the phone?

IM can be useful when you are on the phone, too. You’re talking with a client (or potential client) on the phone. He asks for statistics to clarify a point you’re trying to make. You don’t know the stats off the top of your head, so you IM someone who would know, without the client’s awareness, and voila!