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Can an abstract method be declared private in Java?

Can an abstract method be declared private in Java?

If a method of a class is private, you cannot access it outside the current class, not even from the child classes of it. But, incase of an abstract method, you cannot use it from the same class, you need to override it from subclass and use. Therefore, the abstract method cannot be private.

Why abstract method should not be declared final?

Question: Why shouldn’t an abstract method be declared final? final abstract methods cannot be overridden and they must be overridden if a concrete class ever is to be instantiated 3. So long as the abstract method never actually is used in by any other method, there’s no problem with doing this 4.

Can an abstract method be declared as static?

Yes, abstract class can have Static Methods. The reason for this is Static methods do not work on the instance of the class, they are directly associated with the class itself.

How is an abstract method declared in Java?

To declare an abstract method, use this general form: abstract type method-name(parameter-list); As you can see, no method body is present. Any concrete class(i.e. class without abstract keyword) that extends an abstract class must override all the abstract methods of the class.

Can we declare abstract method as final?

Answer: No, we can not declare abstract method as final. We have to proved implementation to abstract methods in subclasses.

Can we create abstract and final class in Java?

No, An abstract class can’t be final because the final and abstract are opposite terms in JAVA. Reason: An abstract class must be inherited by any derived class because a derived class is responsible to provide the implementation of abstract methods of an abstract class.

Can abstract be declared as final?

Can an abstract method be declared as final?

Yes, it can. But the final method cannot be abstract itself (other non-final methods in the same class can be). Yes, there may be “final” methods in “abstract” class. But, any “abstract” method in the class can’t be declared final.

Can we declare abstract class as final?

Can method be final in Java?

Final Method in Java We can declare Java methods as Final Method by adding the Final keyword before the method name. The Method with Final Keyword cannot be overridden in the subclasses.

Can you declare a class as abstract and final?

If you declare a class abstract, to use it, you must extend it and if you declare a class final you cannot extend it, since both contradict with each other you cannot declare a class both abstract and final if you do so a compile time error will be generated.

Can we declare abstract method as static or final?

If you declare a method in a class abstract to use it, you must override this method in the subclass. But, overriding is not possible with static methods. Therefore, an abstract method cannot be static.

Can you declare an abstract method before a method in Java?

Therefore, you cannot use abstract and final together before a method. If, you still try to declare an abstract method final a compile time error is generated saying “illegal combination of modifiers: abstract and final”. In the following Java program, we are trying to declare an abstract method final.

Can you declare final variables in an abstract class?

It is called unless you create some constructor of your own. so long you created abstract classes without creating any custom constructor in it, so you didn’t know about the existence of the implicit constructor. No you can’t declare final variables inside an Abstract class. Check Below example. it will produce error.

Can a concrete class override an abstract method in Java?

Any concrete class (i.e. class without abstract keyword) that extends an abstract class must override all the abstract methods of the class. Any class that contains one or more abstract methods must also be declared abstract Consider the following Java program, that illustrate the use of abstract keyword with classes and methods.

Can a constructor be called in an abstract class in Java?

If you do not have an explicit call to super (…) in a constructor, the Java Compiler will add it automatically. Therefore it is ensured that a constructor of every class in the inheritance chain is called. You can have constructors, methods, properties, everything in abstract classes that you can have in non-abstract classes as well.