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How do you get the big boss rank in mgs4?

How do you get the big boss rank in mgs4?


  1. Complete the game in less than 5 hours.
  2. Use no continues.
  3. Use no health items e.g. rations, regain, etc.
  4. Kill no enemies (Gekkos, Dwarf Gekkos and Sliders do not count as kills.
  5. No alert phases (cautions are allowed)
  6. No special items (stealth, bandana)
  7. Complete the game on The Boss Extreme.

How do you beat Liquid Snake in mgs4?

How to defeat all 7 bosses in Metal Gear Solid 4

  1. Keep Liquid at a comfortable distance and counterattack whenever possible.
  2. Blocking will save your life against Liquid’s heaviest punches and strikes.
  3. When using CQC, be quick on the buttons or you’ll get hammered.

How many bosses are in mgs4?

seven bosses
How to defeat all 7 bosses in Metal Gear Solid 4. Vanquish all seven bosses in Guns of the Patriots by following these simple steps. SPOILER ALERT! The bosses of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots are tough to beat, even for the most accomplished gamer.

How do you get Corpse Camo in mgs4?

Get 51 continues or more in a single playthrough to unlock the Corpse Camo. This special camo can be used to convince enemy soldiers that you are dead. Simply equip the camo suit and lie face down completely (by pressing x and then holding triangle).

How do you get the big boss rank in MGS1?

Big Boss run requirements MGS1:

  1. Beat the Game in Extreme Mode.
  2. Finish the Game In 3 Hours or Less.
  3. Use No Continues.
  4. Use One or No Rations.
  5. Kill 25 or Less.
  6. Found 4 Times or Less.

What happened to Ocelot in MGS4?

Though Liquid Ocelot seemingly died from exhaustion, Big Boss explained that he had actually been killed by the new FOXDIE virus with which Snake had been infected by the Patriots via Drebin 893.

Is Revolver Ocelot a bad guy?

Revolver Ocelot, also known as Major Ocelot and Liquid Ocelot, is an agent of the Patriots and former member of FOXHOUND known for his skills as a gunslinger and the main antagonist of the Metal Gear Solid series.

How do you get the Laughing Octopus Doll?

Defeat the Beast form of Laughing Octopus using non-lethal means. The doll will be found on one of the beds during the subsequent engagement with Laughing Beauty. Grab it before time runs out.

How do you beat Screaming Mantis?

The key to beating Mantis is shooting down her Sorrow and Mantis dolls, both of which she’ll eventually drop. At some point, she’ll try using Meryl and Johnny to shield herself. Shoot them out of the way (with tranquilizer ammo) and keep the fight going.

What happened Big Boss?

Big Boss left the United States and FOXHOUND, drifting from country to country as a lone soldier. During this time, he returned to Vietnam to join an LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol), and fought alongside SOG (Studies and Observation Group), the Green Berets and the Wild Geese, completing more than 70 missions.

Who is Shalashaska?

Revolver Ocelot, real name Adamska (Russian: Адамска) or simply Adam (Russian: Адам), and also known as ADAM, Shalashaska (Russian: Шалашаска), or most commonly Ocelot (Russian: Оцелот), was a Russian-American operative of FOXHOUND and an agent of the Patriots.

Who are the bosses in Metal Gear Solid 4?

Bosses 1. Laughing Octopus (LOCT) 2. Raging Raven (RRAV) 3. Crying Wolf (CWOL) 4. Vamp (VAMP) 5. Metal Gear Ray (MGRAY) 6. Screaming Mantis (SMAN) 7. Liquid Ocelot (LOCE) V. Additional Tactics (USER) VI. Contact Info VII.

What kind of boss is Laughing Octopus Metal Gear Solid?

Unlike most first bosses in the series, Laughing Octopus is not a push around and can deal some serious damage if you don’t think on your feet. Octopus will rely on the same technology – Octocamo as well as facecamo which allows her to take on the face or even shape of another object or person.

Where is the Psyche gauge in Metal Gear Solid 4?

– The psyche gauge is just below Snake’s health bar. The higher the bar is, the greater Snake’s psyche is, and thus, better performance. High amounts of stress in combat will cause his psyche to deplete gradually; this occurs frequently during bosses and will drop your aim considerably.