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What is the opposite of parliamentary democracy?

What is the opposite of parliamentary democracy?

Opposite of relating to or supporting democracy or its principles. nondemocratic. undemocratic. despotic. totalitarian.

What are the disadvantages of parliamentary system?

Members of the parliament will become too powerful, arrogant and likely to abuse power: While parliamentary system may seem to always promote good governance, it will also make members of the parliament to become too powerful, arrogant and this might also lead to the abuse of political powers.

What are antonyms for Parliament?

The word parliament typically describes a legislature. There are no categorical antonyms for this word.

What is the other name of parliamentary government?

It is also called ministerial or cabinet system. Cabinet or parliamentary form of government is that in which; • Legislature and executive are closely related and share powers with each other.

What are the weaknesses of a parliamentary democracy?

Disadvantages of Parliamentary System

  • Struggles Between the Ruling Party and the Opposition.
  • Expensive to Operate.
  • It Violates the Concept of Separation of Powers.
  • Conflict Between the Head of State and Head of Government.
  • Lack of Initiative on the Part of Parliamentarians.
  • May Drift Into Instability.

What is an example of a parliamentary democracy?

A few examples among the many parliamentary democracies are Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. In a parliamentary system, laws are made by majority vote of the legislature and signed by the head of state, who does not have an effective veto power.

Which of the following is not the work of legislature?

The correct answer is option 2, i.e. Budgeting.

What is an antonym for propaganda?

Opposite of the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. defamation. calumny. libel. slander.