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What are DaMath rules?

What are DaMath rules?

A ‘dama’ chip can slide diagonally forward or backward in any unoccupied square as long as no opponent’s chip blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby its corresponding sum, difference, product or quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an opponents ‘dama’ chip , its score is doubled.

Who is DaMath?

Jesus Huenda
Damath was invented by Jesus Huenda, a teacher in the province of Sorsogon, Philippines, who had encountered problems in teaching math using traditional teaching methods. Inspired in part by an investigatory project called “Dama de Numero” submitted by a student (Emilio Hina Jr.)

How many boxes are in a Damath board?

The board is composed of 64 squares in alternating black and white just like the chessboard. The four basic mathematical operations are written on white squares as shown in Figure 1.

What are the rules of the game of Damath?

THE RULES OF DAMATH. Set the starting position of the chips. Toss a coin to determine which player will have the first ‘move’. Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward direction only except when taking an opponent’s chip or if a ‘dama’ chip takes an opponent’s chip.

Who are the two opposing players in Damath?

DaMath is played by two opposing players. In this article, we will refer to them as the Blue Player and Red Player. The players take turns in moving the pieces. The initial position of the pieces is shown in Figure 2. To start a DaMath game, a toss coin can be done to determine who will make the first move.

How do you capture a piece in Damath?

A piece captures an opposing piece by jumping over it diagonally and landing on the adjoining vacant square. Capturing is mandatory. In Figure 4, the Red Player moved -1 to (5, 3). The Blue Player is obliged to capture -1 using -9. He can do this by jumping -9 over -1 landing to (5,2) and removing -1 from the board.

How are the squares identified in the Damath board game?

Each square is identified by a (column, row) notation. The top-left square, for example, is in column 0 and row 7, so it is denoted by (0,7). DaMath is played by two opposing players.