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Can you shoot a slug through any barrel?
Whether a shotgun can shoot slugs or not is based on the barrel, not the receiver/serial number. If it has a 28″ barrel, you can shoot rifled or foster type slugs as long as the choke is improved cylinder. If it has the short 18.5″ barrel, you can shoot rifled or foster type slugs as well as bird/buck shot.
Can you shoot a slug out of any shotgun?
No, not all shotguns are meant to shoot slugs. Non-rifled (smoothbore) shotguns are meant to shoot foster style slugs. Also, be careful with shooting any type of slugs out of older shotguns, or shotguns with a choke, a choke adds restriction which may deform your barrel over time.
Do you need a special barrel to shoot slugs?
These should always be shot through rifled barrels. You can shoot them through a Cylinder barrel (no choke), but their accuracy loss doing so is considerable and sabot slugs are more expensive than Foster and Brenneke. At the very least, there should be a rifled extended choke on a smooth bore gun.
What choke do you use for slugs?
cylinder choke
A cylinder choke is recommended for shooting rifled slugs in a smooth-bore barrel. Sabot slugs should only be shot through our fully-rifled slug barrels.
What kind of barrel do you use to shoot slugs?
Probably the best choice would be an improved cylinder. A modified choke will also work, but the more constriction you put on that slug as it reaches the end of the barrel, the more apt it is to perform badly down range. A quick trip to the gun store will reveal that there are two kinds of slugs.
What is the best slug for a rifled barrel?
sabot slugs
If you’re using a fully rifled barrel, sabot slugs are a good choice. Foster slugs can be fired through a rifled barrel, and hunters who shoot rifled slugs through their rifled barrels claim to get good to excellent results.
What type of barrel do you need to shoot slugs?
What is the best slug to use in a smooth bore shotgun?
In almost all cases, you should only use rifled slugs in smoothbore barrels. If you have a rifled shotgun barrel, you’re going to want sabot slugs.